Friday, June 30, 2006

Friday Wrap Up

Time for another pause in the week....although I must admit, life at the Lake this week has been one. long. pause!

Still, the world continues to spin: did someone really find Noah's ark? Charlie Gibson retired from morning news, Britney Spears posed naked on the cover of Vanity Fair, Warren Buffet is giving away his fortune, and Reuter's has reported that Doctors removed a light bulb from a man's anus! Good grief, 24/7 news is going to be the death of me!

In blogdom this week we find that Dawn has navigated her way through week two of blogging! If you haven't been over to say welcome, please do! Kristen is off to a good start in addition to being a wife, mom, and all around very busy woman--she has returned to school. Give her a WAY TO GO when you stop over at Mama's so called life! Holy Mama went to her Perfect Hair Playgroup, yes she did!~ And we are so proud of her! Yellow Mama's daughter came home from Marine Boot Camp and we are still praying for sweet Emily's dear husband, D's, safe return home from Iraq!

So, during this week of pause at our cabin, while I have been thanking God for the beauty of the lake, the brilliance of the sky, and the nourishment of family; I have also been thanking Him for my new world of blogging friends. Which reminds me, I can't forget, there was a gathering of face-to-face-bloggers last weekend! Clear the envy from your eyes, and read all about it at Shalee's Diner. A wonderful time was had by all.

I have to go assume my position of the hammack....and thank God for the job that my son is starting today! Go Chili's! Go God! Hope you each have a glorious weekend....Keep smiling! Keep blogging! Keep sowing the Word into your reality--after all, there is G.L.O.R.Y to be shared with the Harvest of Joy!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Thursday's Thirteen

Thirteen things to do when you are at the Lake!
  1. Blog from your loft!
  2. Sleep in (except of course on "Wednesday's with Beth" morning!)
  3. Actually go outside without full make-up and hair styled! No perfect hair days here Holy Mama!
  4. Eat! B-B-Q, restaurant, picnic, in my bed--it doesn't matter--we just EAT! Why is it that all this relaxing works up such an appetite????
  5. Nap!
  6. Read! A magazine. The newspaper! A book! An entire book!

7. Water sports: Skiing, Tubing, Wakeboarding

8. Laugh out loud regularly.....from my loft as I catch up with my blog-surfing as everyone else is sleeping!

9. Shop! Jet ski! Hike! and Tan!

10. Bon Fires, S'mores, and plenty of horse shoes, crochet, and golf

11. Kayaking, Turtle Races, and beach basketball

12. Eagle spotting, Loon listening and mosquito swatting!

13. Relax! Relax! Relax! more: 14) Stop eating so many salty chips--even though my feet are elevated my toes are retaining water! Ug! NO STRESS allowed at the Lake--I'll worry about this later! Have a great day!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


I set my cell-phone alarm clock for 7:22 a.m. so I would not miss Wednesday's with Beth on James Robison's, Life Today. As it turned out, setting the alarm was not necessary as the family of Loons swimming nearby lulled me out of my slumber at 6:45 a.m! Just enough time to get up, wash my face, brush my teeth, brew a pot of coffee and get pen and paper in hand for today's topic: The Law of the Harvest.

Good thing I had my first sips of coffee because Beth began her teaching by challenging the audience, "Do you really believe God's Word? Or do you just read it, study it, be blessed by it? Do you sow the Word into your reality?" Picking myself up out of a prone position and propping the pillows behind my back, I sat up knowing I would not be able to view this laying down!

"Sow the Word into my reality?" What does that look like? In our season of tears, season of deep sadness and sorrow, do we really believe what God's Word promises or do we just know what it says and expect His guarantee of the Harvest? Beth suggests: "The harder the test; the broader the effects of that past test--the bigger the ramifications. If God allows you to go through a deeply sorrowful time, when you sow the seeds through a time of tears something huge is on the other side--there is G.L.O.R.Y. at stake! Our entire line is going to be marked by our faithfulness." Phew! There's motivation to be obedient and sow the Seed! Not only are we guaranteed that God will walk through our sorrow with us; future generations will be marked by our faithfulness.

This sowing means that while the seed will never die, the sower (that's you and me) must die a little. For me this means, I must trust God's promises for my prodigal and release my right to----anxiety, unforgiveness, fear, unbelief--my right to be mad! If I truly believe what God's Word says, I must dig deep, plant the seed, and wait for the Harvest. I must not fertilize that seed with doubt, fear, unbelief or destructive behaviors. I must wait for the Harvest. The Harvest is not a fast food harvest--it comes up with just the tiniest of green and begins to grow into a full harvest of JOY!

I have said repeatedly on this blog, my son's journey is moving forward in baby steps. At times, this frustrates me! I want his growth to be steady and growing in leaps and bounds. There I go again, expecting the Harvest to be McDonald's style: Super-sized and fast! This is the part of THIS sower that must guarantee the seed will grow into a full harvest, I must stop throwing weeds into the Harvest! What examples can you think of where you have not died for the Harvest?

For me, I struggle dying to my timing. I want my son's miracle NOW! Yet, when I listen to what Beth has told us this Works for Me Wednesday, I am inspired to die to my impatience. For, there is "Glory at stake."

What miracle are you waiting for? Is your desire so significant that you are willing to set aside your expectations and rely totally on God's guarantee for the Harvest? Are we willing to give up our right to micro-manage, to be mad, to be unforgiving; or are we going to, by faith, die to ourselves and be guaranteed the Harvest? Sounds like a no-brainer doesn't it? But it is hard work! Maybe this post should have been under "Tackle it Tuesday!" For it is hard work! I could post a before picture.....
This is me, struggling with my inability to give up my rights! I'm micro-managing the Harvest, I'm causing the weeds of unbelief, unforgiveness, and impatience to grow along side the precious little seedlings.
The after photo would look something like this! Now, isn't this a little better for Works for Me Wednesday??? When we plant the seeds of our Harvest, we must release them to God who guarantees the Harvest. When we "go out weeping, carrying [our] seed to sow, [we] will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves [of joy with us!]" Praise the Lord....and pass the G.L.O.R.Y!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Tuesday's Treasure

I'm still trying to figure out my internet hook-up at the Lake....can't load the photo's I want to load--so I will load Chili's this morning as my Tuesday Treasure! Chili's you ask? It's a long story....I'll make it short.

The real treasure of this day is that our home-bound son has a job. He has been back in Minnesota for 9 days and he applied, interviewed, and got the job! And the real treasure is: he doesn't have to speak Japanese!
His first day on the job is Friday!

Why is this such a treasure? For those of you who do not have grown children, let me expound!

  • It IS a good thing when your grown children are gainfully employed
  • It IS difficult in this modern day of technology to escape your past. The internet holds every mistake you have ever made and 2nd chances are hard to come by these days.
  • It IS such a good feeling when your child has a success.
  • It IS worthy of many PRAISES when your prodigal begins to understand that the way he/she is living is just too hard and begins to want the better way.
  • It IS a God-thing when you overhear a conversation between your prodigal and his Dad:

"Dad, I don't want to really talk about it--I'm superstitious and don't want to jinx it!" "Son, this is the time for prayer! Take your anxiety to God, tell Him all about your worries. He loves you, Son; He would love to hear from you!"

The real treasure for this Tuesday is from Jeremiah 29: 11: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

I am resting in His hope and His promise for my son's future. That is a treasure!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Monday Musing's from my loft!

Good day from Gull Lake! I have joined my family at our lake place for our annual two week vacation of sum....sum....summertime fun! The Minnesota weather has been perfect and we have spent hours on the lake tubing, wake-boarding, jet skiing....and yes, tanning! Last summer at this time, my daughter and I were somewhat preoccupied with her August 13th wedding; while I miss the joyous enthusiasm we felt, I do not miss the anxiety-ridden lists of things to get done before the wedding!

Summertime in Minnesota is a cherished time. Yes, we toss aside our artic sleepwear and join the ranks of bathing beauties from the West Coast to soak up the lazy days of summer. The call of the loon is our alarm clock--yes, the Common Loon, Minnesota's State Bird. What--did you really think the Mosquito was our State Bird! Rumors aside, the Common Loon is our beloved
State Bird. What other bird has the ability to fly, float and dive (torpedo!) it's way through life! You have to admire the life long mating and the care they take to nurture their babies. And there is nothing common about their eerie, mournful call.

Lest I injure the unofficial State Bird's feelings, I will mention that we do have our fair share of mosquitos! Does anyone really know the true value of a mosquito? Like, did Noah really gather two of these annoying little creatures and bring them on the Ark? Seriously, what purpose do they serve? Oh--I wasn't going to offend them. Sorry! Wonder what Beth Moore would say about loving these difficult little creatures? ;)

On the agenda today is more sum....sum....summertime fun! My daughter just called to let us know she passed her Nursing Board exam, our son-who-has-just-relocated-home has a job interview this afternoon at 2:00 p.m., and our 14-year-old-son and 11-year-old-foster-granddaughter are patiently waiting for me to get this post done to take them tubing! Mosquitos aside, it is a very good day!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Friday’s Wrap-Up

How quickly the week flies! It’s that time again, it’s Friday; time to take a pause and review the blessing of yet another week.

  • While life can be difficult, we find relief as we live between “a rock and a God place!” He is our Rock, we are not in this battle alone.
  • I will never, ever, NEVER again oversleep on a "Wednesday’s with Beth" morning! While I have received the discs I ordered through Life Today, they are not DVD’s—they are audio CD’s! Now, don’t get me wrong, I love hearing Beth Moore, but as I sat listening to Part Three of Loving a Difficult Person, I missed seeing her visual energy. However, I will share just a few of the Beth Moore-ism’s I listened to this morning! To love a difficult person, we must:
  1. Know and rely on God’s love for us. When we try to love with a natural love, we burn out. When we fill up with God’s agape love, we can love supernaturally.
  2. We must fill up our hearts with God’s love. Remember the canteen analogy? Are we daily dumping out the toxic water we fill our canteens up with and replacing them with God’s love?
  3. Learn to love with insight: “Hurt people….hurt people.” “Misery loves misery.” When we try to love the handicapped heart without God’s insight, it is as if we are expecting a person in a wheelchair to get out and jump around. It can’t be done. Consequently, we must rely on God for insight. Philippians 1: 9-11: “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.” When we struggle to love the unlovable, we must go to God for insight, discernment, and knowledge. While we can’t change them, however, we can deepen our understanding supernaturally.

    If you love a prodigal, this lesson is a valuable tool. So many times, we teeter between aiding and abetting (enabling) and helping. What’s the difference, we ask? How can we love our prodigals without hindering the lessons they must learn to return? Philippians 1:9-11 gives us the answer. Test each effort to help through the filter of God’s insight, His discernment and His knowledge! This allows us to love our prodigals with agape love: the love that is other centered, with only their best interest at heart. This, my friends, is a very fine distinction. For, when we love through natural abilities only, we miss the more powerful insights and knowledge; we sometimes get in God’s way of the work He is doing in the life of our prodigal. We want to be partners with Him, not stumbling blocks! As Beth reminds us, “We will never be more like our Father in Heaven than when we love the unlovable.”
  • There’s a kind of hush at my place today! My son is on day two of the med’s the Dr. prescribed. He is sleeping much better, his mind has decreased in it’s racing, and there is a calmness about him that hasn’t been present for awhile. Peace, peace, God’s peace! Psalm 29:11 “The LORD gives strength to his People; the LORD blesses his people with peace.” What a faithful God we serve! I am resting in His love and faithfulness.

    Wrapping up this pause in our week, I have been blessed! Your faithful visits, your compassionate comments and your prayer warrior hearts have truly been a blessing this week! Hence, the songs I find myself humming as I type! From my lips to God's ears:

He drew [us] up from the desolate pit, out of the miry bog, and set [our] feet upon a rock, making [our] steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God.”

Psalm 40: 2-3

Have a great weekend! AND keep singing!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

“Does it make any difference son—that I love you?”

This was my heartfelt plea as I sat in a Doctor’s office yesterday afternoon, trying to comfort my adult son as he cried uncontrollably into the palm of his hands. Mood disorder; barely three syllables long, yet, the ramifications of a manic episode could take days to describe.

As a little boy, whenever he couldn’t sleep, my son would crawl into our bed, cozy in between his Dad and me, and announce with certainty that he would fall asleep if only, “Mommy would just rub my back!” Each time he awoke from a childhood nightmare, this routine occurred and, he was right; it always worked! This day, as I sat next to my 6’4” son, I touched his back and began to rub lightly. I no longer felt the soothing connection, the warmth you feel in your gut when you know—you can make it all better. I can’t, I keep trying, but this is bigger than any childhood nightmare. Somehow, my son knows this as well. He didn’t lift his head from his hands, he didn’t relax; his shoulders just sagged in defeat as he continued shaking from the relentless emotion he was releasing.

“Son, I love you. We are here for you. We are proud of how you are working through this.” In times past, a manic episode would entail self-medicating, rages, and a rapid-fire, chaotic down-ward spiral. By the time we sat in the patient room this day, we had endured 6 days of mind racing, anxiety attacks, sleepless nights, and paranoid thinking. At each angst filled moment, our son had come to us for help. This engagement is a welcome relief; different from times past.

“Mom, I just…….can’t…………..this…….any……more!” he sobbed in between gasps. It reminded me of a time when he was 10-years-old and his school classmates relentlessly teased him day after day. You see, my son has Tourette’s Syndrome; and the 4th grade children did not understand his uncontrollable ticks. Driving home from school in our mini-van one day, my son asked me, “Mommy—would it hurt a 10 year old boy to die?” It was my time to gasp. When someone’s life feels desperately out of control, the desire to live is diminished.

“Son, you are doing this. You have taken control of this; you chose to see a Doctor today. You have decided to do exactly what is needed. You are incredibly strong son—and I know you can do this. We will help you; you can count on us. You don’t have to endure this alone. Does it help you to know, at all, that I love you?”

His only response was to sob. As the Doctor arrived, we began to review what brought my son to this point. It was then that I realized how far we had truly come. I remembered the times before that my son had not turned towards us when he was in pain; instead, he delved further into the distant land that all prodigals roam. I remembered the countless times he disregarded our offers to help. I remembered the times he angrily announced that he didn’t need, nor did he ever want to be like, us. This day, he sat quietly next to me as we discussed with the Doctor what direction to go. It was at this moment that I was given a gift of thought, an “Aha! Moment” if you will. It was a gentle whisper, “Your son is heading in the right direction. You are his mother; he is finding his way back home to you…and to me!”

Stomp your feet, clap your hands, sound the trumpets! Yes! A mother’s love—a father’s love, does make a difference! And the love of our Heavenly Father—empowers us and is ever present: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage. Do not be afraid nor be dismayed for the LORD your God, is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

This kind of love has eternal value! His love makes a difference; I find rest in it each day. Oh, that my son, and all prodigals, could find their way home to His life transforming love!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I have strayed a bit, actually, I slept through Wednesday's with Beth! It has been an interesting few days at my house! My son, our prodigal, has returned to Minneapolis from Orlando and is living at home. This is not a banquet-homecoming, still, it is one more step in his journey to the celebration! Long-story short: it was important for him to leave Orlando. I will post, maybe, someday about it. He is currently experiencing a mood disorder manic. His mind is racing, he cannot sleep. The good news is--he is not self-medicating. PTL! However, to cope, his dad and I are pacing with him both day and night. He was up until 5:00 a.m. this morning avoiding a panic attack and since we all went to sleep at 5:00 a.m.--I slept right through the 7:30 a.m. Wednesday's with Beth. But not to fear, I have ordered the tapes (DVD's), so when I have time to view today's message, I'll get back to 'ya!

This glitch has given me the opportunity to post on another favorite Wednesday item: Works for Me Wednesday's! It seems that when I am blog-surfing, there is a familiar theme in blogdom: Mommies with migraines. I have suffered from migraines since I was 15 years old. There have been times in my life that they have been a mere nuisance, more times that they are simply disabling. I think it is safe to say, I have spent hours sitting in Dr.'s offices, going through a battery of tests, and innumerable medications before I found something that works for me.

It must be said here: This is not an over-the-counter drug, please see your doctor to discuss whether or not you are able to take Imitrex, or if it is even the right medication for you. There are side effects, and you shouldn't take it if you have heart disease, are pregnant, have high blood pressure,...... you know the drill!

I point this out to simply say, for migraine sufferers, you can find help. There is no reason to spend up to 3 days in a dark room suffering. I used to believe that this was my thorn, and perhaps it is. However, I now believe that God has graced me with something that will help me endure; more than endure, thrive in spite of the thorn.

If you experience migraines and have not seen a Dr.--GO! There are so many new medications (these are not pain relievers--these abort the headache by releasing the bodies natural pain "soldiers")! Just as migraines are relentless, so must the migraine sufferer be relentless in advocating for themselves. It is my heartfelt prayer that you will find the right medication that works for you this Wednesday (and any day that ends in a Y!)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I have a friend, Tess, who is wonderfully creative and talented! She also has a boat-load of energy and gets more things done in one day than I do in an entire week! My treasure today has been made by Tess. She loves, that's L.O.V.E.S., garage saling and going to flea markets. While I grew up wearing hand-me-downs and sleeping on other people's donated beds, I do not share her love for these things. However, I treasure the Survival kit she gave me a couple of years ago! She has a growing business called "Born Again." Her business card says:
"Therefore, if anyone is in Chirst, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"
2 Corinthians 5:17
Creating my art from discards and recycled materials has been inspired by this awesome promise from God and with gratitude for what he is doing in me!
Using a simple lunch box, Tess created "Diane's Survival Kit" which contains beautifully crafted notecards that are filled with Bible verses, Prayers, Promises, and cards for me to fill in the blanks or write my own favorite verses on. My Survival Kit is setting nearby my computer and each day as I open my Survival Kit, I am reminded of my dear friends ability to take something old or tossed aside and make it inspiring! God's promises are like that--no matter what I face today--no matter what circumstances you find your self in--God is there with us. I know this to be true, for one of Tess' note cards tells me! Romans 9:38....neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Furthermore, she included the prayer written by Shirley Hile Powell to affirm God's presence in my life--in our lives. And to reinforce this spiritual lesson, Tess, the ever energetic friend and skilled teacher, gave me an assignment of sorts: I get to fill in the blanks-->

"He has said, "I will never ___________________you or __________you. " So we can say with ________________, "The Lord is my _____________; I will not be _________________."

Hebrews 13: 5-6

What a treasure my friend Tess is!

Monday, June 19, 2006

I've been "tenderized"

Over the weekend, I read a G.R.E.A.T. book, Prodigal in the Parsonage, by Judi Braddy. While my husband and I are not ministers, this book was a great encouragement to me. Many of the fears this mother faced are my fears. Many of the struggles this pastoral family endured, are our struggles. It is a worthwhile read for any parent of a prodigal regardless of their occupation.

Here are just a few of the highlights from this book that leave me thinking:

"Lord, what did we do to deserve such pain? It's a question we've all cried out to God. I can only conclude that, like God, we chose to have children--children with free will and full reign to make their own choices, children who never meant to hurt us but became so caught up and confused by their own personal conflict that they stopped caring about the effects their behavior had on others."

"It's the simple nature of families that when one struggles, all are affected. Under normal conditions, that can be a good thing. When a member is working toward a positive goal or experiences an unexpected turn of events, family provides a ready-made, unified support system. As author R.A. Scott puts it, "Familyhood supplies irreplaceable assets."

"We tried most [every suggestion offered by other people] many times. Some failed. Others worked--at least temporarily. But there were dynamics that people who've never had to deal with a defiant child--the ones most likely to offer advice--can never possibly understand. These were the ones, who seeing no obvious improvement, would just shake their critical heads. I could almost hear them thinking, Poor, pathetic pastor and wife. They just don't get it. If they'd just do it right, it would work. 'Excuse me! I wanted to shout. We got it--we tried it! It didn't work! But thanks for adding to our pressure! '"

"'Marriages are not made in heaven. They come in kits, and we put them together ourselves.'"

"Sadly, heart-wrenchingly, we have to let [our prodigals] live in the foreign land long enough not to want to be there anymore."

"Someone once said there are two categories of people: the righteous and the unrighteous--and usually, it is the righteous who do the categorizing."

"I believe it was invaluable that we, as pastors, reached the point of no longer seeing imperfection as failure--rather to see that to be imperfect is to be human, and that by recognizing that humanness we admit our great need for God. [...] One writer summed it up this way: 'I've found that facing some of these shame-filled problems tenderizes us and helps to make us real.'"

One of my favorite quotes is from the children's classic, The Velveteen Rabbit: "What is REAL?" asked the Rabbit one day. "It's a thing that happens to you," said the Skin Horse. When [someone] loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become REAL."

Isn't that what we all want for our children, prodigal or not? To "[love them for a long, long, time, not just to play with, but really love them;" that they may one day discover who they really are in God? They are chosen, they are fearfully and wonderfully made, they are loved!

This is my prayer today--that each of our children will discover the reality that God has in store for them. Put the enemy on notice--we are not between a rock and hard place--we are "between a rock and God place!" We "lift our eyes to the hills--where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2 LORD, let not our pain cause shame, cacollaterallaterol damage, and strengthen our faith through the long wait. Let our pain continue to tenderize us--softening our need to control and press our aching hearts with your peace. As Judi Brady concludes in her book, "I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day. (2 Timothy 1:12)

Friday, June 16, 2006



**For clarification--please see Parts One and Two--O.K?

Oh, and don't worry 'bout my 'puter....I'm fickle...I LOVE my computer!

Part Two

Please don't forget to scroll down for Part One.

I have tried repeatedly to upload Kevin's photo on my blog. I am feeling just a little f.r.u.s.t.r.a.t.e.d!

Not to mention---a.n.n.o.y.e.d!

I can upload how I feel, but I can't upload the most important file--a photo of Kevin!

So before I resort to screaming, who am I kidding, I am already hoarse, you can see a photo of our returning, adopted, son at his sister's blog. She has posted a wonderful tribute to her younger brother! Welcome home Kevin--love the smile! Love the twinkle in your eyes! Love the hope and happiness written all over your face!

Friday's Wrap-up

As is the case with most first weeks of summer, it was a very busy week. Let's review:

While my lip swelling has reduced and my nostrils are once again even, the drooling has stopped and the bruises are healing; my front teeth still hurt to the bone. Good news is-- they no longer wobble!

  • Hubby has returned home from London (sigh) and 14 year old is still enjoying the first days of summer at the cabin with his sister and brother-in-law! Thankfully, the dogs are there too!
  • My eye sight isn't what it used to be, but I have seen some great miracles this week!
  • I continue to refill my canteen daily--it has made a difference!
  • We have much to be thankful for--topping the list--Dawn's son came home! With Dawn's permission and handy computer skills (Dawn, you really must start blogging--we had a blog-full of party guests that would like to visit you daily!), I have tried three times to upload the photo she sent of Kevin--blogger isn't cooperating. I will try again later and post when allowed!
  • In the meantime, I will post something I found blog-surfing yesterday. This is a powerful description of the difference between giving up and letting go, found at Fisherman for Christ. Check this out--in the short time he has been blogging, it is clear, he packs a powerful punch! Today's post is entitled, "What can storms teach us."

Giving up and Letting Go!!

"Giving up implies a struggle---
Letting go implies a partnership.
Giving up dreads the future--
Letting go looks forward to the future.
Giving up lives out of fear---
Letting go lives out of grace and trust.
Giving up is a defeat--
Letting go is a victory.
Giving up is unwillingly yielding control
to forces beyond myself--
Letting go is choosing to yield to forces beyond myself.
Giving up believes that God cannot help--
Letting go trust in God to care and to carry!!"

(By Hank Dunn)

  • For Kevin, for his family, for me, for all of us--this description is empowering. Letting go of a loved one or a relentless situation is nearly impossible, unless we surrender to the One who is the Victory! My prayer for Kevin is that he will remember these words as he faces unknown trials and temptations as he walks forward in his victory! My prayer for each parent who loves a wayward child, is that we will feel the powerful difference between giving up.....and Letting go to God.

    It has been a very good week; in spite of Bloggers continued glitches. But that really is life, isn't it? It is about living victoriously in a world filled with battle. It is about persevering through each roadblock because we know we are not walking alone. It is about living in partnership with the One who loves us! A few glitches can't get us down--after all, His desire is to continually lift us up!

Yes, it has been a very good week. Now, if I could only figure out what's up with those serpents!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Thursday's Thirteen

Thirteen reasons for a party!

  1. Dawn's son is home
  2. Dawn's son has returned home.
  3. Dawn's son is home.
  4. Dawn's son slept in his house last night.
  5. Dawn's son has returned.
  6. Dawn's son is back!
  7. Dawn's son has made such progress.
  8. Dawn's son is safely home.
  9. Dawn's son is home!
  10. Dawn's son is back!
  11. Dawn's son slept soundly at home last night!
  12. Dawn's son has returned!~
  13. Dawn's son is HOME!

Please join in the celebration for Dawn and her family--see post immediately below this post. Please leave a celebratory comment and continue to pray for Dawn's son as he begins his life anew--at HOME! This is an important celebration--this is the first return home banquet we are celebrating! God is so good--He answers our prayers! We are giving Him the glory--and have gathered our party hats and noise makers...and are celebrating! Dawn's son is home!

She walks into the terminal not knowing what to expect. Not one of the thousand scenes that have played out in her mind prepares her for what she sees. There, in the concrete-walls-and-plastic-chairs bus terminal in Traverse City, Michigan, stands a group of forty brothers and sisters and great-aunts and uncles and cousins and a grandmother and great-grandmother to boot. They're all wearing goofy party hats and blowing noise-makers, and taped across the entire wall of the terminal is a computer generated banner that reads "Welcome Home!"
Out of the crowd of well-wishers breaks her dad. She stares out through the tears quivering in her eyes like hot mercury and begins the memorized speech, "Dad, I'm sorry. I know..."
He interrups her. "Hush, child. We've got no time for that. No time for apologies. you'll be late for the pary. A banquet's waiting for your at home."
*H. Norman Wright, Loving a Prodigal


For Dawn's Son!

Welcome Home!

We are celebrating today with Dawn and her entire family as they welcome home their beloved son. We are rejoicing with you, goofy party hats and all, as we know you have waited so long for this moment. To Dawn's son: Though we don't even know you, we have come to appreciate and love your mom and sister! Our mother's hearts are celebrating (and have our noise-makers in hand) with your family as you have come home. Home--what a beautiful word. We will be supporting your next steps with prayer as you continue your journey to your home and sincerely pray that you will find success, happiness, and peace with each step foreward. You have been courageous. You have been taking the steps necessary to become wonderfully whole. God loves you! He created you to be uniquely you--and will guide you as you walk into His purpose for your life. While none of us know exactly the path you have been on, each of us know the desire of your family's heart: You are loved, you have been missed, you are welcomed home with outstretched arms and hearts! May the banquet of love continue for you each day as you start anew.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Works for Me Wednesday

Wednesday's with Beth

Beth's topic this morning was entitled, "Getting along with Difficult People." It's confession time; I have been a difficult person to get along with lately. I am angry with my God. At first, I was scared to feel the anger, after all, He's God! Next, for weeks, I have quietly brewed, avoiding the honesty of my feelings with Him in prayer. Then, yesterday, when a colleague phoned me from Church, I spoke the words. When he asked me how things were going, I admitted the unspeakable, "I am mad, mad, M.A.D. at God!"

I imagine for anyone who stands in the gap or spends too long in the WAIT, anger is bound to show up. I like to think that I am a optimist, that I am a realist covered by His grace and love. However, I am also a mother who loves her son deeply and cannot believe that God is taking so long to restore my son. I know, I know, I know--the theology of it. But the reality of it is almost too much to endure. When his heart breaks, my heart shatters.

My son has made many baby steps of progress over the last months. For this I am thankful. And still, the roadblocks are painful; in spite of his efforts, nothing seems to work. Let me rephrase; nothing-in-the-average-sort of way--seems to work. He was hired at a Japenese Steak House to fill the carts for the Chefs to take to the table and because he does not speak Japenese, he found himself in a huge communication dilemma! After the second night on the job, he spoke to the manager (who had hired him) about his frustration, and the manager replied, "Yes, I thought this would happen, white, American's don't do well in this position." My son asked if there was another position, there was not. Does anyone else feel the irony--only in America can you lose a job because you don't speak Japanese.

Back to Beth. She asked this question: Do you know, really know, do you rely on the fact that God loves you?" Wiping the tears from my eyes, I must confess, underneath the anger that I have been feeling, this was the source of my pain. In my desire for my son's life to go well (I'm not asking that he win an award or be President--I just want him to feel the success of being independent and happy), the wait has become too long. I have begun to feel that God is not answering quickly enough--I have put conditions on God's love. I have become a difficult person! I am expecting God to love me in a way that is defined by my needs--not by His perfect, unfailing, divine love. This is what difficult people do.

Beth used an analogy of a canteen for our heart. Today, what works for me is I will empty my canteen of all my toxic expectations, self-serving desires, and innate, maternal expectancies. I am claiming Psalm51:113 as my anger verses: "Create in me a pure heart, O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me." My canteen has been turned upside down and today, I will shake out all the contaminated water and ask God to fill it with His living waters. You see, as Beth points out, there is nothing we can do to prevent God from loving us. God IS love, as "I am a woman" is part of my is God's DNA Love. I must know, I must rely on it: God is love. His love is perfect, it is unfailing. He has not failed me or my son. I am merely human and bring my heartfelt desire to Him, expecting an immediate loving answer. I must stop defining God by my humanness....and begin relying on His DNA.

"....we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint."

I'm filling that canteen today with His Word, His Hope, and His inescapable Love. Works for me!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Tuesday's Treasure

Back when the dinosaurs roamed the earth and my eyesight was not what it is today (does anyone know of a Braille class I could take--age has not been kind to my vision!), I enjoyed counted-cross-stitch. Today's treasure is a piece I stitched for my Great Aunt and Uncle for their 50th anniversary.

Within the last two years, both of these dear relatives have passed away. I received this gift back when their children cleaned out their parents lifelong home to sell. It represents a time in my life that I had two preschoolers and two teen foster children in our home and an absentee husband, busy climbing the corporate ladder. Cross-stitching was therapeutic for me! And I was excited to put a personal touch on my gift, my Great Aunt was very special to my heart, she was my Grandfathers sister.

Growing up in an alcoholic family, my father always bashed my Great Aunt and Uncle. Keeping the dys in dysfunctional is an important tool in keeping your family isolated. As a young adult, after a lifetime of hearing bad things about these relatives, I apprehensively connected with them. To my surprise, they were amazing people, who did amazing things with their wealth of wisdom, talent, and resources. I treasure their impact on my heritage.

It seemed appropriate that I stitch I Corinthians 13: 4-7 in honor of their 50 years together.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

It is this model of love that challenges me as I love my husband, my children, my family, my friends, and how I am to love my prodigal. My Great Aunt and Uncle demonstrated that kind of love as they lived their life together. Now, each time I look at this framed gift hanging in my entry way, I am reminded of their love, how I have grown in their example, and the love of our Heavenly Father, who does not isolate, but gathers his family together in the circle of His abiding love! What a treasure!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Monday's Musings

Just a few perplexing thoughts on this Monday morning:

  • Hubby left last night for London. Upon his arrival to the hotel, he called home. How did he forget so quicly there is a major time difference between London and Minneapolis? How happy he was as he called, "Good Morning Baby!" My raspy 5:00 a.m. voice must have triggered his memory because he apologized profusely for waking me. Then, sweetly, he asked me if I would set the alarm for 6:30 a.m. so I could call him back to wake him for his lunch appointment. When did he lose his mind? Don't they have wake-up calls at the hotel?
  • 14 years old son was packing to go to the cabin with 25 year old daugher and son-in-law. Whit his booming voice he bellowed throughout the house, "Where are my swim trunks, where are my golf shoes, where are my underwear?" NOW, I ask each of you, when do you suppose the last time was that I wore any of those things??????
  • Son's dog, Jersey, and daughter's dog, Zoey, are gonna kill me! The rapid-fire chihuahua was trying to escape my grip so I leaned over to grab her--she was gone! Boxing her into a corner, I leaned down to the right with both arms outstretched to grab the nasty little princess.......and when I picked my left foot up to rebalance myself--Zoey ran between my feet and I fell directly on my face--landing solidly onto the pavement. My inner lip is now on the outside of my face, my nose is swollen to othe point that as I type I see its shadow....and I am bruised, not only under my nose, but on my left cheekbone, above my left eyebrow, my right whoulder and my left knee! I'm going upstairs now to put another ice-pack on my face and to consult with the Dentist as to whether or not it is normal for my two front teeth to wobble. I may have to call a plastic surgeon--cuz I'm pretty sure my left nostril is not suppose to be two inches higher than my right one! Whose dogs are they anyway--why was I letting them out to go potty?
  • But before I go, here's a sign I discovered at the park I visited Thursday morning after dropping off 14 year old son at his last day of school. Feeling a little sentimental as Thursday was not only his last day of school for this year, it was his last day of Middle School; he will be a high-schooler next Fall. (There's another perplexing question--how did THAT happen!) So I drove to the City Park on Long Lake, where as a young boy, we regularly visited. Wanting to sit quietly and reflect on my son's journey to High School, I pulled into the parking lot of the City Park on Long Lake and saw this:

SERPENTS?????? I live in Minnesota for crying out loud; we don't have SERPENTS! Furthermore, what's with the bold, block, in-your-face-lettering; this is the western suburbs of Minneapolis! We don't do bold! We're understated! We beautify our problems! Geesh! And all I wanted to do was reminisce! Serpents!

One more perplexing question, as I can't seem to publish this on blogger and my ice-pack is waiting!
  • What are cookies and why was my browser's cookie functionality disabled!?!?! I didn't touch my internet settings--honest, I promise! How do these things happen?

Friday, June 09, 2006

Friday's Feast of Blogging

We have definitely worked up our appetites this week for blogging! Stop over at She Lives and leave a thank you gift of comment! But before you leave, sit down, relax, and enjoy the first ever addition of Friday's Feast of Blogging!

Appetizer: Do you have a mission statement (or purpose) for your blog?

My original mission statement was to blog openly and honestly about standing in the gap for prodigal children; to edify, to encourage, to support, and to provide a venue for other parents to gather together while praying for our lost children. While that mission statement remains, I have added a few other goals since that time. As blog-friendships developed, my prayer has become that no matter the painful circumstance, that my blog (and those I visit), not just point to the obvious pain of life, but that my underlying focus is to point others to the only One who can heal and restore: to bring glory to God!

I have also finetuned my mission statement to include FUN! We are not only promised answers to our prayers--we are promised abundant living!

Soup: What kind of blog post warms your soul?

This is easy--those posts that are honest, authentic, and welcoming! I love transparent writing; writing that makes me feel like I've known the author, personally, for a lifetime!

Salad: What creative blogging tool has freshened your daily life?

Tuesday's Treasures, Works-for-me Wednesday's, and Thursday's Thirteen are just a few that delight!

Main Course: What blogger has made the strongest impression on you?

I've already highlighted the importance of my first blogging friend, Cindy. Over this past week, I have also linked several other bloggers who have touched my life daily and am currently working to increase my blogroll. As I become less fearful of going into my template and destroying all of blogdom, I plan to add other meaningful blogs. Another person who visits (not a blogger yet, but we're working on her) is Dawn. Her own prodigal son is returning home June 30th after spending 18 months at Teen Challenge. Can't wait for the Homecoming Celebration Dawn!!!!!! And I can not ignore the significance of every visitor who comments! Your willingness to take the time to post, to share your lives with me by commenting and allowing me to visit your blogs has strenthened my faith and made a lasting impression on my life!

Dessert: Describe why blogging continues to leave you feeling satisfied.

Dessert is the best part of any meal as far as I'm concerned! I can't wait for this part of our feast! This is the same anticipation I feel each morning as I log online and race to my blog to see who has visited! And since I love a good cup of coffee with dessert, I'm off to brew a fresh pot. Hope you have enjoyed our Friday's Feast of Blogging. Let me know if you host your own Friday's Feast--I'll be sure to drop by!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

I blog for Thursday's Thirteen!

THIRTEEN reasons you may know you're addicted to blogging:

You say no to having lunch with a real friend because you want to blog-surf and catch-up with all your new blogging friends.

The kids no longer ask, "Where's Mom;" they now know that you are in front of your computer--blogging.

Your blog is more tidy than your house.

Your digital camera is now a permanent fixture in your purse; you hate to miss a great photo to share with your blogging friends!

While out to dinner with real friends, all of your interesting stories to share are about your blogging friends.

You dream about blogging; what you will write in your next post, about when you will actually win Tuesday's Guess It at Her Majesty's Throne, about discovering that you have won the coveted Jeana Likes Me Award or The Golden Keyboard Award or Sting My Heart Award! .

You jump for joy when you are the first one to link to Thursday's Thirteen at She Lives! This feeling is only ever duplicated upon finding your blog title on another bloggers side-link!

You know the first names of the blogs you visit, not just the blog title.

You've been known to look in the classifieds for a job under the listing of "Blogging." We should be able to get paid for this--shouldn't we! We're qualified, we're skilled, we've got the time (well--maybe I can work at it right after I visit my blog friends each day! I have my priorities after all!)

You no longer fear shutting all of blogdom down when you go into your template and make a few changes.

When Blogger is unexpectedly down for maintenance the entire day--you experience something that exceeds the newly named Intermittent Explosive Disorder. Doctors think Road rage is bad--they should have been around here yesterday when Blogger was down for the day!

A "good day" is defined by double-digit comments!

When you even begin to think you may have a problem with blogging; your fears are eased as you realize--no problem, I'll just find a blog support group! In fact, your enthusiasm grows as you think, "Maybe I'll just start one of mine own!"

Will you join me?

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

I blog .... for Wednesday's with Beth

Someone has asked the question, where do you find enough to blog about? (Must not be a blogger who asked THAT question!)

Have you run into the group of women who blogged "Living Beyond Yourself." What a blessed group of 30 or so bloggers who have journeyed together through this Beth Moore Study! I was in the middle of a time management slump and was unable to participate with them this study, and was feeling a little left out of the blessing--until, one day as I was making my bed and flipping TV channels multitasking, I discovered that James Robison's from Life Today was hosting Wednesday's with Beth every Wednesday morning at 7:30 a.m. CST! What luck! What joy! Now, I can blog on Works-for-me-Wednesday, what always works for me: a healthy dose of Beth Moore!

She challenges, she incites!

Today's insightful question was this: Do you sow the Word or do you simply eat the Word? Beth and her husband, Keith, have just returned from a relief missions trip to Angola. One of the relief workers explained to them the dilemma these starving people face. When they receive seeds to plant for future harvests--they are so hungry, the immediacy of their need causes them to eat the seed rather than plant it and wait for the harvest.

As a Christian, do I do the same thing? Desperate for an answer from God, do I go to His Word (the seed according to Luke 8:11) and just taste His seed, does it fill my stomach, giving me immediate relief but preventing the Harvest of Joy (Psalm 126: 5-6)? How is my life changed by the seed--where is the harvest?

At Partners in Prayer for Our Prodigals, one of the goals of the mission statement is to pray regularly for our prodigals. I have a file folder filled with Scripture verses representing God's promises, His assurances, and His faithfulness. I pray over them, I cry over them, I count on them. But does my life reflect the change of them? How wide is the gap between my theology and my reality?

Beth gave some examples to further "bring this home." She asked, "How many sermons have you heard about the forgiveness found in Jesus?...Yet, how many of us still live under the condemnation of these sins?......How many sermons have you heard about the freedom found in Christ? Still, how many of us remain in bondage to our compulsions or our addictions? How many sermons have you heard about forgiving others?......" Do I need to go on?

Kristen at mamma's So Called Life has a post that illustrates "humbly hearing God's word, not merely listening to the word or deceiving yourself, but doing what it says!" Don't miss this post, it is a very real example of "doing what God's word says." And may I add to my paraphrase of James 1: 19-25, not only does this doing "bless what [Kristen] does...." it blesses others!

I believe that part of the sowing can be found in our blogging. On Day Four of the She Lives challenge, I have discovered that while we all started blogging for different reasons, there is a theme in the continuation of our blogging that just can't be missed. We gather 'round this cyber-space gallery of blogs because we are drawn to the Harvest of Joy that has been planted. As we all share our journeys--bumps and all--we are daily implementing what Psalm 126: 5-6 guarantees, "Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. He who goes out weeping carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him."

This means specifically for me, that while I continue to stand in the gap for my son (and all our prodigals) my wait will reflect the upcoming Harvest of Joy. I will not just taste His promises, be filled with a selfish need to have my fears squelched and my hope restored--I will make daily changes that exemplify the coming Harvest. This fills me with such joy--what a surprise, maybe the Harvest has already begun!

What does this mean to you?

Thanks for joining me in the sowing....and the reaping!

Oh--and thanks to Deilia for passing along the strike-out information from Tess at Tess Talks. I will try my best, I just love it so promise not to use it too often!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I blog for Tuesday's Treasure

Some months ago, I discovered Faithful Mommy and her Tuesday's Treasure Challenge. What a great idea! What a great way to learn more about other blogging friends. Try it--go to Faithful Mommy's site and click on her link of other blogging friends who have posted their treasures. You, too, may get hooked!

Today, in honor of our week of Blogging about Blogging, I would like to share with you my treasure. If you have been visiting for awhile, you know that our daughter was married last August. What a day it was! In this photo, she is holding my Grandmother's Bible. It is my most treasured item. Need I even say, my daughter is a treasure as well (as I have posted ad nauseum!), but today's Tuesday Treasure is my Grandmother's Bible.

I was born to a single mom in the mid-50's. I was the first grandchild for her parents. I was born under chaotic circumstances, but my grandmother's love was a calming presence. She looked beyond the drama of my existence, she loved me regardless. Growing up, I spent hours, days, weeks, and every available opportunity with my Grandma. She was my role model, she was my hero, she was my heart.

She died when I was ten years old. Because I was her first grandchild, I received her beloved Bible upon her death. Memories filled my grieving heart as I remembered sitting next to her every Sunday morning and evening as she wrote notes at the side of the verses our Pastor was preaching from. As tears flowed from my abandoned ten-year-old heart, I remembered her hands cupped over my hands as we prayed for my mother and father. As I grew up, I would treasure each yellowing, brittle page of her Bible, each soaked with her prayer warrior tears.

Still, how could I face my world without my life-support? Following her death, my heart hardened as I faced the world alone. My teen years were barren, still, my Grandmother's Bible was never far from my faltering spirit. Years later, when I dedicated my life to same LORD that she spent her life loving, I held her Bible near my heart as I prayed my sinners prayer. Somehow, I knew, that my Grandmother was rejoicing in heaven as the angels sang.

My Grandmother's Bible holds a place of honor in my heart. It represents the love of a Chrisitan woman; the difference Jesus' love can make for redemption. Like God, who promises our sins are washed away--as far as the east is from the west; my Grandmother never saw the blemish that started my life. She saw who I would become in Jesus!

It was only right that on the day that my daughter, her great-granddaughter, was married, that she hold my Grandmother's Bible. It represents a circle of life that has been broken; replacing pain and anguish with joy and blessing! It represents the power of prayer, the power of Jesus' love, and the power of a Grandmother! As my daughter's hand held my Grandmother's Bible that day, I quietly wept tears of joy as I remembered the love of my Grandmother's hands holding mine while her legacy whispered, "He will supply your every need, baby. Just trust Jesus."

There is a wealth of treasure in those words alone!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Monday's Musings on Blogging

  • Those who never blog--will never understand!
  • Blogging with a cup of coffee is a good start for every day!
  • What did I do before I started blogging!
  • Blogging provides a global network of resources, experience, and just plain fun people!
  • Meme's are good ways to get to know one another (I've been tagged by Cindy)

Accent: I'm from Minne-sooooooo-ta, regularly make hot dishes, and say "Pop" instead of "soda." However, unlike the movie, Fargo, I do not own a woodchipper!

Best personality trait: Just like a golden retriever, I'm loyal! *(However, unlike "Fido", if my hubby scratches my tummy in just the right place....I'm just as likely to bite as I am to kick my leg!!!!)

Chore I hate to do: Housework! That's a no-brainer.

Dad's name: Donald

Essential Make-up/skin care products: It oughta' be a law--never, NEVER, answer the door or leave the house without being fully dressed! And that includes my face for goodness sake! Besides, it is a universal rule, the moment I leave to do a few errands without it--I run into that special someone (you know the one...the high school crush, my hubby's favorite former girlfriend!)...and walla! I'm hosed!

Favorite Perfume: Amierge by Givenchy

Gold or silver: Both

Hometown: Born in Grundy Center, Iowa (yes, there IS such a place!), grew up in St. Cloud, Minnesota, and now live in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Interesting fact: I don't know who my biological father is.

Job Title: Like many of you, "Doer of many things!"

Kids: One daughter (25), Son (23), Son (14) Foster Daughter (30), 3 adorable foster granddaughers!

Living Arrangements: For the moment, we live in a western suburb of Minneapolis, on 2 1/2 beautiful acres. My daughter and son-in-law are currently living with us (Yippee!) . I say "for the moment" because my husband daily threatens it is time to "downsize!" We've been looking, but can't find just the right place for 5 people, three dogs, 2 mice and a boat! Downsize! Ha!

Mom's birthplace: Minnesota

Number of apples eaten in the last week: 7

Overnight hospital stays: 3 births, 1 pnemonia, 2 kidney stones, 3 migraines, 1 ovarian cyst explosion and 1 mental health vacation!

Phobia: Since menopause: Heights and tiny spaces (like elevators!)

Question I ask myself a lot: Will I ever get it all done!?!?!?

Religion: Christian. I grew up Assembly of God (charismatic) and my husband grew up Catholic. Knowing these two would be hard to blend, after we got married, we decided to attend a (BGC) Baptist church feeling that would be a good compromise as it is Bible teaching and practices traditions.

Siblings: I am the oldest of five: 4 sisters (one deceased) and 1 brother

Time I wake up: 6:35 a.m.

Unnatural hair color: I have been known to say, "The only mistake God made--was me not being a natural blonde!" So I'd have to say--my natural color (brunette) is unnatural! Although, in an early attempt to be blonde--I managed a soft tint of green highlights!

Vegetable I refuse to eat: Anything with hair on it!

Worst Habit: Procrastinating

X-rays: Lots

Yummy Food I make: My kids love my spaghetti

Zodiac sign: Gemini

  • Blogs are fun! Try not to have fun at Tuesday's Guess it!
  • Blogs make you smile.
  • Blogs make you laugh out loud!
  • Blogs make you cry with joy!
  • Blogs educate.
  • Blogs inspire.
  • Blogs are profoundly moving.
  • Blogs motivate.
  • Blogs challenge.
  • And.....blogs are interactive! Just click on any of the underscored words and you will be blog-surfing! And you have my seal of approval for each blog highlighted! Oh--and one more thing, TAG--you're it! Let us get to know you a little the ABC meme or choose one of your own. We love visiting! We love blogging!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Seven days of blogging

Well, that's the goal anyway over at She Lives. While I earned a Silver Medal in the Blog Olympics, I may fall short of the full seven days; but She Lives invited us to participate for how many ever days we like--so I am!

I have been wanting to share with you about how I met my dear blogging friend Beneath the Ivy Wreath, for some time now--so today, as I blog about how I began blogging, I find the perfect opportunity to do just that!

Last November, a dear, life long friend of ours was visiting his Orlando winter home with his family over Thanksgiving break. Suddenly and without warning, he was taken to the emergency room with a horrible headache. Upon learning that he had a brain bleed, the Dr's airlifted him to Tampa General Hospital where he was scheduled to have emergency surgery--if he survived the trip. His wife phoned a few friends at home (Minneapolis) and we began praying. A blog was started to inform friends and family around the country of Gordy's progress. Several times each day I went to Gordy's update and read the most current information on our beloved friend as well as the comments from others who were loving and praying for him from a distance.

On November 29th, I came across a comment from chgreen (Cindy). She left a very sweet comment that touched my heart. Here was a stranger, unknown to our friend, Gordy, who said she would pray for him. Now, before Gordy's medical emergency, I had only heard of 'blogs.' Not being computer literate, I imagined that blog-surfing was for more technically gifted people than I. But after reading her comment, for some reason, I was drawn to step out of my comfort zone and I clicked on her name which directed me to her blog. After reading her postings, I felt a connection with another Christian woman who lived in Paris, Tennessee! I e-mailed her, telling her a little about our friends--who she was praying for, sharing with her my thanks and surprise for how God was working through the net!

Soon, my daily blog surfing included not only the updates on Gordy, but a visit to her blog. From there, my jouney expanded and by February 2006, I was motivated, inspired, encouraged, and begin a blog! After all, if God was using the net to bring prayer warriors together for Gordy, maybe, just maybe, He would use my blog to bring hurting parents together as we pray for our prodigals. This was my small goal--I have since learned, God always has bigger plans than we can ever imagine!

During the last few months, I have been blessed by getting to know many other people I would have never met without blogging. My heart has been encouraged as pray warriors have come together to pray for not only my son, but the children of others. My faith has been strengthened as I pray with other mother's for our returning prodigals. We will have that banquet!

Blogging has provided an opportunity to hear from former prodigals and to receive their words of encouragement--they say, "Keep praying, keep the family prayed for me...and I came home." These are life-sustaining words!

So it seems that blogging sustains, strengthens, inspires, and keeps me company! Perhaps this week for my Thursday's Thirteen I will list 13 reasons why I know I'm addicted to blogging! It has been life changing. While I sit alone in my den and type on blogger--I feel a connection to each of you that God has brought into my life. CHGreen touched my heart that day--God healed Gordy and he is completely recovered and back at life! We just went to his son's wedding on Friday night and while we were celebrating I thanked God for CHGreen and her prayers! I wish you could have been there Cindy, joining JL, Gordy, family and friends, as we celebrated his son's wedding! You would have smiled--I was as I remembered how Gordy's healing and this whole blogging thing are connected! Not a believer yet? Just go to MOMRN2 for more evidence!

As Cindy commented that day back in November, "You are not alone. We uplift you with our prayers." No words could be truer--even though we may feel alone in our sorrow, when we know the Father, we are never alone. She Lives starts this week of blogging about blogging--with God Reads our Blogs. I discovered while stepping out of my comfort zone and stepping into the blog-zone that I have stepped directly into a God-inspired-zone where God uses blogs to heal, encourage, support and love us! What a great place to be! Thanks for meeting me here!

Friday, June 02, 2006

More Friday Fun!

We're singing, we're dancing, we're Praising the Lord! MomRN2's little girl is coming home today! WELCOME HOME sweetie! We are so happy that you are home, with all of your favorite things and all of your favorite people! While we do not even know you, we know that God loves you so--and we are celebrating with all who have been praying for you and your family as you went through this very difficult time. God is so-o-o-o good!

More singing, more dancing, more Praising the Lord! To all blogging prayer warriors who would like to send a Welcome Home blog card to MomRn2 and her family, just go to She Lives and add your name to the Welcome Home blog-card link (She Celebrates). Join in the celebration of PRAISE as we welcome home this little one!

Some Friday Fun!

While doing some morning blog-surfing, I discovered a really interesting link. Did you know that you can test the Readability of your blog? C.O.O.L! That's cuh-000000000-l! (As you can see, my results indicated I don't use enough multi-syllable words; just practicing!)

At KebMillardAsks, I discovered that Blog Training Camp started yesterday. The field trip was to Juicy Studios where we all test the readability of our websites. It only takes a few minutes--try it! I'm not sure what we will be doing with this information, but on this tired Friday morning, it jumpstarted my day!

So, while I wait to see what medal I am contending for at the Blog Olympic Training Camp--I think I'll take a nap. As many of you know, since I am now 52, I do what I want and I feel like a nap! Maybe I'll take my dictionary with me and do some four syllable research! That should be good sleeping material!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Thirteen things about being 52

1) 52 aint what it used to be! Remember when your parents turned 40 and we thought they were so old! Thankfully, 52 is yesterday's 40! :)

2) Everyone has started looking so good to me these days. Well, maybe they're not looking better, just blurrier!

3) Quotes by Popeye have become so meaningful: "I y'am what I y'am!" :)

4) I seem to get more done these days--or maybe it's just that I forget half of what I was suppose to do!

5) Exercise is not a problem, with all the backward walking I do (you know, backward walking--go back to the place you remembered what you were going to get!!!)--I track about 10 miles every day!

6) I discover new delights each last week when I discovered I was reading a book I had previously read. I just kept reading though, I couldn't remember the ending!

7) There's never a dull moment at 52--if I should get bored, I simply play Connect-the-age-dots on my hands!

8) There's freedom in 52; if you don't want to do something, you don't! After spending decades of lovingly catering to everyone else's needs before your own, at 52 you discover independence from guilt driven sacrifice. (O.k., I may be a slow learner--but this is MY list of 13!)

9) At 52, the need for control disappears. After all, if childbirth and parenting wasn't enough to prove that point--menopause clinches it!

10) Multi-tasking is not a problem at 52--I have discovered I can laugh, cough, sneeze and pee my pants all at the same time!

11) At 52, naps become a good thing, once again!

12) At 52, wisdom is more important than being right.

13) At 52, birthdays aren't quite as important as they once were. At 52, I have learned that each day is worthy of celebrating; each day of our lives "has been written in [His] book before one of them came to be" (Psalm 139: 16b). How amazing is God!

For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!" (Psalm 139:13-17)

This is truly an amazing birthday gift....every day of our life! The Creator knows us, He thinks of us, He loves us!