Today is the debut of the long awaited and much anticipated "First Friday's With Val."
Each first Friday of each month, Guest Blogger, Valerie Wolff will appear on Partners In Prayer for Our Prodigals sharing her insight and wisdom!
Sound the horns! Tell one, tell all!
"First Friday's with Val" is here!
Good morning and let me introduce myself. My name is Valerie, and I have been blogging for several years, and that is how I met Diane. She has been a faithful blogging buddy and a gentle encourager and a wonderful prayer warrior since the very beginning of our relationship. Recently, she joined with Allison Bottke to set up a business named “Setting Boundaries” based on Allison’s popular book “Setting Boundaries with Your Adult Children:Six Steps to Hope and Healing For Struggling Parents.” When I found out that they were setting up support groups around the country, I asked them how I could help spread the SANITY message. Obviously, one of the ways was to set up my own support group at my church, which I am presently in the process of trying to do. But, Diane also asked me to be a guest blogger on her blog on a monthly basis to help promote the SANITY message in my own words. I was touched and honored by her request.
I believe the reasons why Diane asked me to be a guest blogger are two-fold. One is because I have very personal experience with a prodigal daughter, and this book’s message has helped me tremendously through my darkest of hours. Secondly, I am also a Christian counselor who provides psychotherapy to individuals and couples and families, and Diane thought that blending my personal experience along with my professional background might be helpful to readers out there and give the SANITY message a unique perspective.
I will share my story as time goes on, and I will encourage you to ask questions of me, provided it is with the understanding that my answers are NOT to be construed as psychotherapy or counseling services. My answers will be based on my compassion of where you are right now in your journey, and on my personal understanding of how to achieve SANITY in the chaotic and painful experiences you are living through right now.
I’d like to thank Diane for this opportunity, and I look forward to getting to know you. May God bless you and guide you and comfort you as you face your pain and hand it all back to Him.
Thank you, Val, for your willingness to share your heart with us each "First Friday's With Val!"
And thank YOU, Diane, for letting me be a guest blogger here! You're such an inspiration to me!
What wonderful people we have met on this prodigal journey. I haven't "met" Val before - wonder how I missed out??
Looking forward to First Friday!
Diane, hello I just happened upon your blog - lead by the good Lord. We have a prodigal for many years. It has been good and bad - last Wednesday it took a sharp turn in the road. He was sentened to two years in jail. God has lead me on a journey for many years to prepare me for this. Never prepared though. He has beautiful children whom we love and see often. I was praying to be lead to a blog that could help in some way. Please pray for us and stop over my blog www.dautherofannie.blogspot.com
Thanks and looking forward to your blog daily.
Valerie, this is exciting! I know you'll do a wonderful job on "First Friday's With Val". I look forward to reading each and every post. You are an awesome writer, a loving mom and an inspiration to me. You are so open about your feelings and willing to share your faith with the rest of us. Congratulations on your debut!
In His Love and Blessings,
It is 3 a.m. and I am stressing about my prodigal son. I heard Allison on the radio and that started my search for answers and hope. My search brought me here. I thank God!
Welcome Daughter of Annie! I posted a reply at your blog--nice to "meet" you.
Sharongsign--How I understand those middle of the night anxieties! When you love a prodigal there are many! I am so glad that you found Allison Bottke...and Partner in Prayer for Our Prodigals! Have you been to Allison's website yet: http://www.settingboundaries.com? You will find a ton of encouragement and support there...as well as our online Forum Communities where parents from around the Country discuss a variety of topics. Please join us!
And...please come back to Partner in Prayer for Our Prodigals! You are not alone in this journey!
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