Time was, when a tiny soul, Clothed with flesh and bone Entered my life and carved Its image upon my heart. What lies ahead? Asks my heart.
Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Psalm 90:12 (NIV)
Provided by Christ Notes Bible Search
Tara proved her Princess powers when she stared down this pesky, but adorable Parisian boy at Disney World.
Johnny (pronouncecd: "Szhah-Nee" by his very handsome father, chased these two little Princesses with full abandon in Donald Ducks playground.
"R-O-A-R" seems to be a universal tease....as he screamed it with both lungs!
Finally, after a few rounds of being chased, Tara decided to really play the game!
Face to face, unaffected by those darling curls.....she let him have it!
What a GREAT time they had! Audrey wasn't so sure about this global friendship...but Tara is NOW planning a trip to Paris!
Wouldn't you?????
This is a funny picture. I love the expression of the oldest.
I know!
Did you see how tightly she is holding Tara back! It's as though she is holding and back...and praying simultaneously!!!!! Oh! Lord! There's gonna be trouble!
It was all in good fun though ;0)
You can roar all you want, but I'm still a princess and will have you banished!
How cute! This must have been your best trip to DW ever!
My mom said that I have to kiss a few frogs BEFORE I can kiss a boy and find my Prince Charm!
LOL, that is so cute!!!
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