Spring has sprung in Minnesota and none too soon.
It's been another long winter--and I have just gotten out of bed (yesterday) for the first time in what feels like a long winter's nap.
Pneumonia. Barely four syllables long and yet what a battle it's been.
Last Wednesday, the Dr. finally confirmed the 10 day crud had turned into Pneumonia; z-pack was ordered and taken and on Day 5 I began to feel human once more!
Yesterday was a beautiful day in Minnesota. Gordy and I had a wonderful brunch at one of my favorite restaurants on the Lake: Sunsets. We must be getting old--because we enjoyed a fabulous Sunday afternoon drive before we headed out to the barn to see our daughter enjoy a beautiful sunny afternoon with her horse. Remember Raoul? Poor thing, born in Holland, grew up in Southern California and is now living in Minnesota! His second winter here went much better than last year. He tried...how he tried....but he just didn't know what hit him! Blizzards, sub-zero temp's....and walking on ice! Horses are truly fight or flight animals...and he was ready to fly!
We love watching Katie ride; they make such a beautiful team. And better than riding--is the joy they share as he grazes on the Spring grass....for hours! Yes, I said hours--she loves spending time with Raoul!
Our youngest son is spending a long weekend with his girlfriend's extended family in West Palm Beach as they celebrate her Grandpa's 90th birthday. Sam returns home tonight, goes to school for three days and will spend ten days at his girlfriend's home in Dallas for Spring Break. I don't know why he hates this long distance relationship so much...what a life! :)
I remember the joyful anticipation I felt when Gordy and I were dating...and I can tell you after nearly 35 years of marriage--the blessings have been far greater than anything I could have imagined so long ago. Yes, young love is amazing, but lasting love is glorious!
As Gordy and I left Curt and Gina last night, I realized that I wouldn't want to have traveled through the highs and lows of this life....with anyone else. He was my young love, my enduring love. He is the father of my children and the strength of my heart. His faithfulness has long ago healed my broken heart. And as our hearts ached last night knowing that there is a very real threat for Curt's life, the tears that were shed included one more blessing in the long list of gratitude: we are united before Curt's Creator, ready to battle where all battle's are won--on our knees.
"Prayer does not merely prepare us for the battle; Prayer IS the battle!"
Praying for Curt...
The only thing I know for sure about eating disorders is that it is rarely about food or about weight. We need to pray for the Lord to reveal the motive underneath.
Beautful words about your husband. I could say "ditto" about mine.
I'm praying for Curt, too. One of my specialties is the treatment of eating disorders - and believe me, it's tougher to treat males than females because males tend to be more ashamed about having this problem. I know how difficult it is to watch him, Diane. Email me should you ever need to talk.
Love, Val
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