As I stumbled to my window early this morning and pulled up the blinds, it was difficult to NOT stand in awe as I watched my backyard neighbors! I love when this happens!
Upon hearing the noise at my bedroom window, this deer lifted it's head from grazing to see what was goin' on!
On the first day of this week, there is a lot goin' on!
Well, in fact.....I do!
Following Allison Bottke's two-part interview last week with Dr. James Dobson on Focus on the Family, the Setting Boundaries team has been busy, busy, busy. :)
The Setting Boundaries team is thrilled to help so many parents in pain discover the 6 Steps to SANITY that can (and will) change their lives!
In addition to the interview, Focus on the Family hosted a Parent Community online Forum with Allison. Thousands parents in pain have viewed the Question and Answer Forum with Allison as she replied to each question on the online forum.
The two SANITY Support Groups that I have facilitated over the past 12 weeks have decided to "birth" another SANITY Support Group! It has been such a blessing to walk through the six steps to SANITY with 35 parents on each Tuesday and Thursday evening! What joy they will bring as they share the SANITY message with other parents in pain--there IS HOPE and there IS HEALING!
Our online Forum Communities have lit up with comments and questions from parents in pain around the nation. I'd love to have you visit and register to be part of this dynamic online conversation! Please leave a word of encouragement to other parents who are trying to find their way out of the "gerbil wheel" of insanity!
Don't be shy! You are not alone in your journey. It is my prayer that you will find comfort in knowing there are others on this journey with you.
I am thrilled to share with you the news of an upcoming webcast, featuring Allison Bottke speaking on "Setting Strong Boundaries in a Shaky Economy." Please check this out--you can watch this webcast from the comfort of your own home (couch, maybe ;) ) and learn how to unleash the power of SANITY choices to take back your life.
"As the deer panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God."
Who are you seeking in the busy-ness of your week? May we be faithful to remember that God:
"...alone is our strength, our shield
To God alone may our spirits yield.
God alone is our heart's desire
and we long to worship Him."
To hear this beautiful song, please click here. Have a great Monday!
Great pictures to go along with good thoughts! I envy you this wonderful sight as you look out your window.
I looked out this morning and found a bit more snow on top of the newly-green grass. Oh, well!
Great pictures and wonderful thoughts Diane. Thank for sharing this morning. I love this post. Blessings, Deana
I have just finished Allison's book and plan on sharing it with some friends in similar situations. I look forward to visiting the Forum communities. I am so thankful I found your site a few months ago and the suggestions have been just what I needed to hear.
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