Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Works for me Wednesday

The secret is out! Allison Bottke's new release, One Little Secret has arrived! A great read works for me anyday!

When I began blogging, Allison's blog, God Allows U-Turns was one of the first blogs I discovered. Each time I returned, I began to realize that there was something very special about this author. Yes, she is another Minnesoooooo-tan (can you hear the accent?), but it was her zest for life and love of Jesus that continually drew me back to her site. Then, in January of this year, Allison began a rockin' website, Boomer Babes Rock. I hope you take the time to visit....

Back to the secret.......

One Little Secret is a fun, page-turning "Boomer-lit" (think "Chick-lit" then add a few years) story that grabs your attention on the first page. I began reading this book after agreeing to take part in the 31 day blog tour and was not disappointed, until, that is, I had to say good-bye to the beloved characters at the last page. Each character comes alive; this novel is so full of life that the reader actually feels the anxiety of Ursala's secret, the disappointment of each failed disclosure, and the joy of the dramatic revelation. One Little Secret is so much more than a very good read or a theme for a blog meme. It inspires! Using a "Hollywood fairy tale with all the pleasures of escapist literature mixed with gentle lessons on using the talents God has given you, the power of sacrifice, self-esteem, and the value of being “just a housewife,”" One Little Secret may just have you unearthing your long forgotten dreams. The author has captured the "Ursala" in each of us. You won't have to dig very deep, let One Little Secret inspire you as you give your dreams to God and discover His amazing faithfulness in making them come true. That kind of inspiration works for me anyday!
And keeping with the theme of blog meme''s something to be thankful for: a One Little Secret Contest

Don't miss out on the fun!


Nadine said...

I got to hear Allison speak at a writer's conference back in May. I'll have to check out her blog. Enjoy the rest of your week.

Anonymous said...

Hi Diane,

Heading over to see what the contest is all about. Thank you. Praying here.

Ms. Kathleen said...

Wonderful reminders. I have been to both sites recently. God Bless!