In just four days, my son will be moving to Mickey-land! You see, while on our Spring Break two weeks ago, he interviewed for a "Casting Call" at Disney World.....and got the job. He is excited, he is thrilled--in his vernacular: he's pumped!
Can I share with you how I feel about this adventure? In my mother's language--I am puh-leez-don't-go-apprehensive!!!!!! While God has been good--and my son has made some very impressive baby steps towards well-being, I remain....screaming-out-loud-resistant to this move.
Maybe it wasn't a good idea to smile when he asked, "Do you think I should call for an interview Mom?" I did not hesitate; I believed this could be a self-esteem booster if he received a job offer. He has been gainfully employed for more than a year--which is a thank-you-God miracle in itself! While there are jobs with more opportunities for advancement than delivering pizza's....why does it have to be 1600 miles from home?
He will be all alone in Mickey-land. Well, yes--he'll have his music collection, his car, and his faithful kitty, Razor. While our family has vacationed many times to Disney World--we really don't know a soul in Orlando! Who will comfort him when he is scared, who will encourage him when he has doubts, who will guide him when he is tempted to make the wrong decisions? This is a deeper level of "letting go" than I am prepared to make.How will I say goodbye to my little one? He is driving on Wednesday, I am flying to meet him on Thursday. I will stay for a few days to help him get settled; but who will help him thrive? I can hear your resounding reply, "That is up to him, Diane. That will be up to your son."
So, my son is moving to Mickey-land. The last few days I have felt like I am living in la-la land. Blogging has helped; you're amazing support and encouragement has held me to a higher standard. I have been praying for my prodigal for some time now and God is ever so faithful. 1600 miles is no problem for God; His love knows no boundaries: He will continue to watch over my baby.
Prayer: Lord, it’s difficult to change my view of my child. It seems like these prodigal years will never end. And now that my child is legally an adult, the problems are more complex. Help me to adjust my view of my child to one that is more realistic. Help me to minister to my child in practical ways that will show Your love. I want to follow Your example of extending grace to my child just as You did for me. Amen.
Promise: “The Lord…will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over Your coming and going both now and forevermore.” Psalms 121: 7,8
Thanks for stopping by my blog. You have a nice site here. Your baby's off to Orlando...I'll pray for him. We lived there about 18 years ago and had family there until just a couple years ago. I wish I could help you out, but I don't really know anyone down there to point him toward any more. Does he attend church? If so, Pine Castle U.M. is very nice. Very big, but nice and friendly. It could be a starting place.
Working at Disneyland...seeing the joy on the faces of the little kids... : - )
The employees share the magic of imagination in the lives of those kids, even if it's only for a brief time. Maybe God plans to use your son to touch the life of a little kid.
But..as a mother, I would be reacting exactly the same way. I don't think I'd handle it as maturely as you are.
My prayer would be "But Lord, there's a perfectly good job right down the street from me!" : - )
My teenager is getting ready to start driving and I thought that was tough!
No matter where your son moves, the prayers of your family, friends and online praying partners will follow him.
M-I-C-...sorry : - ) couldn't resist...: - )
Thanks for stopping by my blog!....praying right now for your son as he goes to FL soon!
I can't even imagine how hard it will be for you! Sending Prayer your way!
When my daughter moved away from our home in Orlando to Atlanta, I felt like the music stopped and the silence was unbearable. I was left with my own life, much of which was unbearably unhappy.
In many ways, she was a life source for me. I was stuck. I was lonely. I did not know who I was as a mother. What was my place in her life?
I yearned for the days I could kiss her booboos and hold her in my arms. I felt lost without her.
The sad truth was, she was not lost without me. She was discovering herself, life, new frontiers. She was so happy.
It was a hard lesson for me that me going on and chosing to find new mountains to climb was what would entice her to spend time with me.
My journey is most likely not yours. But the empty nester feeling is universal.
May God fill your life with new adventures of your own as your dear son climbs own mountains.
My heart goes out to you.
Letting our nestlings go from the nest is hard..
Sometimes that fly off on their own - sometimes they need that little nudge - inevitably they will go, leaving the safety of the nest - and we have to watch them leave - and smile - and love them - though our heart may be breaking - but, like Mary, we have our memories, to ponder in our hearts - and, though they are not with us physically, the goldren thread of families ties will keep you bonded together - this I pray - in Jesus name. Amen
I'll be praying for you both as he (and you) make this major life change. It's hard to hold tight while letting go.
Since my boys are still so small, I cannot even imagine what you're going through. At this point I can't even imagine them leaving the nest.
I can speak from the perspective of the bird flying away since I did that not too long ago. I made some mistakes (a lot) but I turned out okay! I loved being on my own. It seemed like my life was finally beginning.
You've laid the groundwork for him and given him a foundation to build on. Maybe you'll be surprised by the good decisions he'll make! Maybe by being on his own he'll learn to count on God instead of people.
"Train a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not turn from it." Prov. 22:6
It's hard letting go when you've been their everything for so long, and they have been so much more to you for 9 months longer than that.
1600 miles is only a phone call away. Have faith in your son too, Diane. Let him follow his dreams on butterfly wings. xx
I appreciate your comment on my blog and LOVE your blog-title and blog-name. It speaks volumes about your heart. My brother was a prodigal -- and after YEARS of my mother's praying, he has returned to the fold. May you be at peace as you continue to pray.
I can identify with your situation. We too went through a very difficult time with one of our sons. When he moved out and away, I felt a mixture of relief, fear, panic, and anxiety. Within 6 months he had met the precious girl who is now his wife, and he turned his life completely around. He is now a teacher and coach, and with his family is very active in their church. So keep praying and hoping, and believing--God works in so many unexpected ways.
I don't remember the name of the church, but my youth group went down there and spent time with another group from the area.
Maybe there's a good group from a church down there with folks his own age, something to provide a homey feeling for him? And maybe good ties to the community and nurturing relationships?
THANK YOU ALL...for your words of encouragement...and prayers.
Jan--I will begin praying for the people he will meet...RIGHT NOW! Your words have challenged me...and filled me with hope!
I know it is hard to let go and how much you must be worried. But if Disney Wold is anything like Disneyland he will have an amost instant second family.
I worked at the Park in Anaheim for years, met some of the nicest people EVER there.
I wish you and you son luck and happieness with this move.
Oh, yes, pray for the people he meets. I started praying for the people our children would marry while I was pregnant with the first, and how the Lord honored those prayers, and blessed us abundantly. I will remember your son, and the people he will meet.
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