I'm such a sucker (and I say that in the most civilized way)! I loathe April Fool's pranks!
I was "punk'd twice in the first ten minutes of the day for crying out loud! My son's best friend announced that his overweight, diabetic, hip-dysplasia-suffering Golden...Lab had died. As I babbled on and on about how sorry I was for him and his entire family--WHAM! I'd been punk'd. Have I mentioned, I HATE April Fool's pranks!
So BRAVO and throw out the welcome matt--it's April 2nd!
What things do you hope for this day? Our TT hostess, Laurie at Women Taking A Stand: Standing Boldly in our Faith, has chosen Hope for this TT theme. (Please visit Laurie's blog--it's worth a visit for the name alone! Love! Love! Love it!)
According to Wiki.com, the word HOPE appears in the Bible 121 times in the KJV, and 159 times in the NIV. There are also other related words such as 'hoped' and 'hopeful'.
Biblegateway.com offered 174 references when I did a HOPE search this morning!
"What is my point?" you ask in hopeful anticipation????? ;)
- To always remember where our HOPE comes from!
- I HOPE that my dear out-of-state friend finds peace and comfort as their family sends their adult son back to Teen Challenge following a relapse of addiction after years of sobriety.
- I HOPE a college cohort finds peace and comfort as her family is dealing with their son's incarceration
- I HOPE that friends and family who live in the Red River Valley will be safe and kept from harm's way. I HOPE there are no more blizzards and flooding!
- I HOPE that my own MIP continues to grow physically, emotionally and spiritually
- I HOPE that my daughter and son-in-law may have the desire of their hearts.
- I HOPE for God's favor on all of our Kingdom work!
- I HOPE for peace and assurance as I learn to put my faith, my trust, in God's plan for Setting Boundaries~my passion and a gift from God, fulfilling my purpose!
- I HOPE every contact I have made will say YES!
- I HOPE to be able to set aside my will....and live in God's Will for my life.
- I HOPE you all will return for tomorrow's post by Val! "First Friday's with Val" will be posted and waiting for your return! ;)
My blogging friends, our HOPE is not in vain, for we have "a faith and knowledge resting on the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time" (Titus 1:2)
May God Bless each of this day and "guide [us] in [His] truth and teach us, for [He is our] God [our] Savior, and [our] hope is in Him all day long" (Psalm 25:5).
"I HOPE for peace and assurance as I learn to put my faith, my trust, in God's plan for Setting Boundaries~my passion and a gift from God, fulfilling my purpose!"
"I HOPE every contact I have made will say YES!"
Yes, I am there with you and shout a hearty "AMEN! AMEN!"
I hope that you will always be a part of my life - you are such an inspiration to me!
Yeah...my pastor got me last night and the funny thing is that I didn't even figure it out until this morning!
Thanks for sharing today!
Great post! Thanks for including this scripture: "a faith and knowledge resting on the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time" (Titus 1:2)
It really spoke to me!
Wonderful truths to abide in everyday! Thanks for the encouraging words....
I enjoyed this post.
Thank you for this upbeat, encouraging article. Blessings to you today!
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