How did this happen?
I have been preparing for this since our first child grew up and left home. Yes, I know children grow up and leave home--I spent the entire year of our daughter's last year in high school--POUTING.
That wasn't pretty!
I've had 10 years to prepare for Sam's exit....and to try to do it a little better!
There are many transitions in life--aren't there? Children come into our family and children leave. I'm clicking my heels together three times as I say this: what we share with them between these events matters most! Yes, there's no place like home! There's no place like home! There's no place like home! It matters that they take a little bit of home with them.
Each day as we awake, we are given another opportunity to bless our children. Another chance to enhance their day and their future. Oh that I could have that awareness in the grogginess of my early a.m. grumpiness! Maybe I would smile a little bit more often as I stumble through the morning rituals.
As we walk through the mundane and the tedious tasks of the day, oh that we could realize how extraordinary our ordinary is! Maybe we would smile a little bit more often as we trudge through the loads of laundry, the endless dirty dishes, and the miles of carpooling.
And, at the end of each day as we say our "Good nights;" lists yet unfinished while new tasks await, does it really matter that my house is spotless ....if I haven't taken the time to leave an imprint of love on my son. Oh that I could have that awareness in the fatigue of each "Good night," maybe he'd smile a little more often!
Tackling the transitions of life create a mixture of emotions. As I sit by my laptop, memories fill my heart to overflowing!

I will celebrate the blessing his life has been.
I will cherish the memories.
I will honor the young man he has become by trusting his good character.
I will begin to step out of his life and allow him to step into his life...so he can practice being a young adult while still in the safety net of our home and hearts.
I will pray for him as he continues to grow--in life and in the Lord.
I will rejoice for each day of his life to come and those that have been--for what more can a Mom do than love her son enough to let him go.
That was a heart warming post! For me, letting go of the "baby" of the family was so much harder than the older ones. I liked what you said "what more can a Mom do than love her son enough to let him go. I can totally relate to that sentiment...with releasing both my "baby" and my "prodigal". Thank you for the wise words.
Hi Diane,
I have tears in my eyes. How well said. And it sounds as if you have a great "plan" to ensure (not enable) your son to have strong legs, strong character, and strong decision-making capabilities to walk into his destiny as a highly functional adult child. He's blessed to have a mom (and dad) to instill these life lessons now.
BTW, I went to bed last night reviewing ALL that has to be accomplished today -- I actually said out loud..."I'm looking forward to TACKLE IT TUESDAY"!
So...I'm off...to continue the attack of the pile of to do things for today.
Blessings and joy,
Emotional tackles are the hardest! It sounds like you are making your way through yours. Congratulations on raising such a beautiful family.
I know you had a great time last night. Was the beautiful young lady with you? They are so adorable together.
I wonder what he'll do after he graduates?
My oldest is 16 and already I have some of those feelings creeping in... Your post reminded me of something I saw today. It was a candle tin that said "Home is Where Your Mom Is"!:)
Wow, that was such a beautiful way of expressing the pain and pride we feel when it comes time to "let go" of our children.
[i gave you an award on my blog and posts like this are exactly why!]
i can't imagine what it will be like when my youngest leaves home, right now it feels like it will never come, and i just need to enjoy this time.
I'm glad your youngest is doing well!
My youngest is having his 18th birthday in 3 weeks.
They grow up so fast!
Enjoyed the post.
I just wanted to come by and say congratulations for being one of the Internet Cafe's Top 100 Christian Women's Blogs of 2008! You are truly a blessing. Thank you for the many ways that you serve!
What encouraging words for me to read. My youngest is only 8, my oldest - almost 13. I know I need to love them in the moment, and not wish these days away. And I am thankful for your "been there, done that" perspective. *grin*
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