Friday's Show n Tell....
Is it really Friday already?
What a week it's been! It's a balmy 18 degrees above zero in Minnesota and while I've been tempted to go outside without a jacket and do a little frolicking in the snow, I've been busy learning our a new web technology: Webcasting.
As many of you know, I have been working 24/7 in a new ministry, Setting Boundaries. This new ministry is dedicated to bringing support and encouragement--hope and healing--to parents in pain who love a dysfunctional adult child. In October, I partnered with Allison Bottke, author of the landmark book, Setting Boundaries With Your Adult Children: Six Steps to Hope and Healing for Struggling Parents.
Do you have your copy yet? :)
As part of our new web launch we hosted a webcast (like watching TV on your computer) whereby people could register to spend an hour with Allison Bottke LIVE from the comfort of their own home office...or couch! The registrations came in (thank you God!) and the response to the webcast (last night from 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. CST) was incredible (God IS so good!)
If you are a parent of an adult child whose life is in constant crisis and chaos or if you know someone who is a hurting parent, please visit Setting Boundaries dot.com Learning a new web technology is really amazing...but watching as hurting parents discover SANITY....is simply the best! How I love when God takes our pain and give it HIS divine PURPOSE!
Check out the Online Community Forums....leave a comment of encouragement or post a question of concern. Register to receive our bi-monthly e-zine, SANITY now!, which will feature Allison's syndicated News Column, "Ask Allison About Setting Boundaries."
In fact, YOU, my Partner in Prayer for Our Prodigal friends, will have the FIRST opportunity to post your questions and review Allison's answers to the epidemic issue of enabling--as the "Ask Allison About Setting Boundaries" will debut right here SOON!
It's been a fabulous week! The (artic) sun is shining, the house is quiet, and hope has been renewed!

The webcast was wonderful! I can see why you had such a busy week, Diane!
It's been a crazy week for me, too. I am slowly beginning to see some changes in my prodigal, as my responses towards her behavior has changed. Little tiny baby steps she is taking - and I can see evidence of her turning her life back around. It might take several months/years - but I am so grateful that I can see the small signs of her change. Just this week, she said "I love you, Momma" - which is something she hasn't said to me in a very long time. It melted my heart, and I thanked the Lord for those uttered words!
Talk to you soon!
I have been going to write and ask you if you are working from home, from an office, in Dallas or Minneapolis, or just what. I find it so incredible that you have landed here - specifically because of the pain you (and I) have been through. What an amazing Godincident!
My Friday wrap-up - it's been a rough week with sick grandkids - one in the hospital last week with RSV, a respiratory virus that is terribly dangerous for preemies. All 4 were sick, and I got the cold from snuggling with the two bigger ones. Kristen is now gone on a ski trip(first fun she's had in awhile!) and I have all 4 for the week-end. Wish you were here!!
I missed this week's webcast but hope to catch it in the archives later. I know God will bless you for this ministry as you have blessed others with sharing this knowledge.
I will come over and visit the site, what a great concept - I'm just worn out with my adult kids, and they are doing better - but I find myself still running around picking up their pieces!
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