This is the Scripture that Iris chose for this week's Thankful Thursday entitled--Possibilities.
It doesn't get any clearer than that--does it! Her closing words to us this week blessed me, "remember: never give up on a dream – be patient – as you know: All things are possible with God."
Following the web launch this week of Setting Boundaries, I have been livin' that dream! Yes, I have a new understanding of WHY Moses' hair turned white when he stood in the presence of God on that mountaintop...but why would a girl expect any less when she finds herself in the very presence of God's purpose for her life????? :)
This has been a monumental week at Partners In Prayer for Our Prodigals!
- I am so thankful that God matches our passion with His purpose. Friends, I still pinch myself as I find myself in the very presence of God, stunned by His wonderful gift of taking our pain and giving it purpose. Pain without purpose is just pain. Pain with God's Glory! As the SANITY Support Group Network Creed states, "....I will begin to understand that it is often through pain that God does some of His best work....."
- I am so thankful for the body of Christ. Sisters and brothers in Christ, family, and Cyber friends and friends IRL are at the top of my thankful list each and every day! We are not alone. Karen, thank you for proving that this week as you enthusiastically helped me with the endless techie problems.
- I am so thankful for God's plan for each moment of our life. I never saw THIS plan as I attended and graduated from college (finally!). I never saw THIS as I prayed moment by moment for my MIP. I never saw THIS as I began Partners In Prayer for Our Prodigals three years ago. But God KNEW and was preparing my heart and the way for Setting Boundaries! He IS so faithful, no matter our faith.
- I am so thankful for YOU--although we may not know one another IRL, God has brought us together on this glorious day (yes, I said glorious--even though the outside temperatures are topping out at -21 degrees, with wind-chill it is -35 degrees!)--where was I: oh yes, GLORIOUS day....for we cannot forget that God "inhabits the praise of His people;" (Psalm 22:3) so girlfriends--as we share in this Thankful Thursday post, we are standing (or sitting ;)) in the very presence of God! THAT my friends, is glorious!
- I am so thankful for Iris; and for this possibility in her life. Iris, we are praying for you as you step into God's purpose for your dreams!
Make this day the day that you lay them ALL at God's altar of HIS possibilities for your life! He IS faithful, even with our most dreaded pain and our most desired dreams.
"Therefore, let those also who suffer according to the will of God entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right."--1 Pet. 4:19 NASB
"He is faithful that promised" (Heb. 10:23).
"Thy mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens: and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds" (Psa. 36:5).
"Thy faithfulness is unto all generations..."--Psa. 119:90
We can walk in His possibilities! Aren't you thankful for God's faithfulness!
Happy Thankful Thursday!
What a beautiful thankful heart you have! Great TT post. Thank you for sharing it with us today.
Blessings to you!!
It is so cool to be at a place where it's time to use all those things from the lessons of the pain, coupled with God's purpose and passion...there's power there. Blessings in abundance to you, and the SB project! May families be reached across the country, and around the world...sanity is making a comeback!
May God continue to bless your life! I enjoyed the setting boundaries website and am definitely going back for a visit later. I have a 75 year old single father who is practically making me his wife. Oh, that so did not sound right. "Bring this, I need this, Call them..." I need some boundaries! Thank you for introducing me to this ministry! Happy Thankful Thursday!
I loved reading your post. I will have to visit the setting boundaries site. My kids need boundaries. Thanks for sharing.
Such an amazing story of God's perfect timing! I will be waiting for more wonderful stories.
My pictures on my computer are now my screen saver and the pictures of our time together in Minnesota keep looping around and showing up - such good memories!
Prayers and love to you.
Diane, your writing inspires me! Thank you for always sharing your heart.
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