Thursday, March 13, 2008


One of the best things about Thankful Thursday. If you haven't made this a part of your weekly-stop-and-be-grateful-for-the-blessings-in-your-life.....will you begin today?

Today, like so many other days, I am thankful for the hope we find in God.

I am thankful for the love of family.

I am thankful that today is held in the palm of God's Hands.

I am thankful for Hailey.

Hailey is our third foster granddaughter. She is a child with Autism...significantly affected by this mysterious disorder. Yet, her mother, the adopted daughter of our heart, Diana, is a tireless and relentless advocate for Hailey and simply, an outstanding mother.   I am so thankful that Hailey has Diana!

The band Five For Fighting has made a video for Autism Speaks.  Every time someone watches the video, they donate $.49 to Autism Speaks.

I am thankful for your willingness to view this video--and help make a difference.  If you can, please pass this along for all of the mothers and fathers, grandmas and grandpas who will never hear "I love you" for their beloved children with autism.  



Denise said...

Such a precious video, bless you dear.

Susan said...

I tried to listen to the video but some other music and speaking was on top of it.

Art said...

We should not need reminders to be thankful for our blessings each and every day. But we do! Thanks for the reminder, Diane!

Barb said...

As always, a very nice list, Diane.

You know, the statistics on autism, how often if happens, make me stop dead in my tracks. Very, very scary.

How I wish they'd get to the bottom of this and find out why it's happening so often now.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my place. Hope you had a great time.

Dawn said...

Such a frustrating disorder. Your Hailey is so adorable. I'm thankful she has you and her mother!

Mountain Mama said...

Hello Diane and thanks for the visit and comment.
Your post really touched my heart. I watched the clip.
I have five children, twelve grandchildren and fourteen great grandchildren. Thank God none of them have this horrible illness. I feel so sad for the dear little ones who can't express themselves and for their loved ones too. I can't imagine what they must go through.

Cheryl said...

Thank you for your kind comments. I rarely read blogs...especially here lately.

Your reminder is well taken that we should always remain thankful!

eph2810 said...

Thank you Diane for publishing this wonderful video and making the world aware of autism. I have several friends that are affected by it - meaning their children are diagnosed with autism.

Hopefully later this month I will post something about a campaign one of my friends is involved in. Her two boys were diagnosed with autism.

Thank you for sharing your grateful heart and the story of Hailey with us this past week.

Blessings to you and yours...