Saturday, March 15, 2008

Did you know.....that kidney stones look like this:  

I could tell you how it feels to try to pass one of these thorned torpedoes through one's ureter, but I won't go into the details.  I'll simply sign off.....retreating to my bed, saying OUCH!!!!! 


Dawn said...

Oh, you poor thing! My dad has had several dozen attacks - I have never seen a picture of one! They look like jacks. I knew they were spikey - and very, very tiny!

I hope you feel better very, very soon!

Diane@Diane's Place said...

*Wincing....* Bless ;o)

I've passed a few small ones, but nothing on that order. I hope you're done with those for a good long while and feel much better, and soon!

Love and hugs,

Diane J.

groovyoldlady said...

Oh mercy!!!

Dee said...

Oh my word! ((((((Diane)))))))))

Take care now,

Susan said...

Bless your heart!!! Thank goodness I have not had first hand experience.

Lisa said...

Oh my gosh! That is horrible looking!! Prayers are with you!!

someone else said...

Oh my goodness! This made me hurt just reading it. I hope you recover soon!!

Tina said...

oh my gosh!!!! I DID NOT know that. Those things are painful looking....

ouch ouch ouch.