Thursday, January 03, 2008

Another year for thankfulness! Happy 2008!

I am thankful for the wonderful Christmas Celebrations that included babies with beautiful smiles! We were able to gather together with both Grandma's this Christmas--blessings abounded as we celebrated with them in spite of a year filled with heart problems. My mother remains in Atrial Fibrillation and is scheduled to have a Cardio Version sometime in January. My mother-in-law continues to learn how to live with less than 40% of her heart functioning. They are both such troopers and we were blessed to share another Christmas with them.
My MIP was able to join us for the Johnson Family Christmas. He has been very busy at his job (PTL!); a Valet is kept very busy during the Holiday Season in sub-zero weather! It was so nice to have both Curt and his girlfriend with us for our family celebration the Sunday before Christmas.

I am thankful for another Christmas Eve spent with my mother-in-law. It has long been our tradition to bundle the kids up and travel to the small town my in-laws lived in and attend midnight mass with them, followed by the traditional "Sausage Christmas Eve Dinner." In years past, this meant we went to Church at Midnight and ate around 1:30 a.m. Yes, that's A.M! This year, because of my mother-in-laws health, we arrived early afternoon and had a wonderful day reminiscing and rejoicing!

I am thankful for the quiet cold of January. After what seems like months of frenzy getting ready for Christmas and all that entails, I so enjoy sitting quietly in my kitchen, taking the time to think, once again, all that I have to be thankful for. Yes, there are those moments where it is so difficult to find a grain of gratitude; there are those situations that remain unresolved and no doubt, circumstances that are brewing unawares. Still, when we are sheltered in God's will, we are able to give thanks in every situation, in any circumstance, in everything!

I think even my daughter's new horse, Raoul understands thankfulness as he acclamates to the double digit, below zero weather of Minnesota. Born in Holland and spending the next six years in Southern California, he is doing amazingly well in his new home. A horse is a horse of course (of course), and not much more is needed than a bundle of hay and a warm winter blanket....but seriously, he has not colicked, he has not slipped on this new icy footing--he is doing so well. I am so thankful for the joy our daughter is experiencing as she rides and cares for her new baby! Diane--I can only imagine the joy you truly feel as your daughter cares for her real baby!
So as I bundle up (the cold may be quiet...but the windchill roars!!!) to take my Mom to the Cardiologist, I hope you, too, find just a few things in your day to be thankful for!
Don't 'cha just love Thankful Thursdays? Thanks to Lynn for hosting this week; stop by her blog for others who are participating in this first TT of 2008.


Karen H. said...

Good Morning Diane,
I'm so glad you had a wonderful Christmas with your Mom and you MIL. I am "THANKFUL" for my Mom and MIL as well. I know you also enjoyed having your Son and his Girlfriend and your Daughter there as well. Your Daughter's Horse looks right at home there with the Snow on the ground. I'm glad that Raoul has adjusted to your Weather. It has been a cold day here so far as well. Yesterday was very cold also. "THANK YOU" for sharing your wonderful Family Christmas with us. I really enjoyed it. I'm glad you posted who was doing the TT. I didn't do one today because I wasn't sure who was doing it. I will check Lynn's place out and see about doing it next Thursday. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.

Love & Hugs,
Karen H.

Diane@Diane's Place said...

Diane, I honestly can't express my feelings and emotions, and the LOVE I feel for my daughter and my new granddaughter. It's like trying to tell another woman what it's like to give birth: until you experience it for yourself, you just can't totally understand it and all it encompasses.

Your time as a Grandma will come and when it does, you'll KNOW! Then we'll see if you can truly express all the fullness in your heart. ;o)

Happy New Year, hope it's full of love, laughter, prosperity and blessings for you and your, dear Diane.

Love and hugs,

Diane J.

Cheryl said...

What a wonderful TT post. The picture of the horse was beautiful. It really looks cold there. Glad you got to spend time with your family. Hope you have a good year! God Bless!

Denise said...

Will be keeping your mother and mother in-law both in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Loved coming back and reading your list. So much to be thankful for over the holidays. Praying your Mother's health continues to improve. Enjoy every minute you can with her.
Br-r its cold there!
Mama Bear

bp said...

Good afternoon to you! Brrrr. I like the picture of the horse, I like to see pictures of snow. I'm glad you had a nice Christmas celebration.

Ms. Kathleen said...

What a gorgeous smiling little doll! Now that was a blessing!

Happy New year too you!

Unknown said...

So many things to be thankful for! Thanks for sharing!

Linda said...

Happy New Year Diane! I am back from my break and attempting to get caught up with everyone.
Sounds like a lovely Christmas. The horse is magnificent!
Your list encourages my heart - filled with all the things of life and undergirded with gratitude.
Blessings Diane.

Dawn said...

What a great bunch of thankfulness.

Curt looks so happy - both of our sons have fallen for lovely girls with dark skin! Must be a good sign for his future. Sema is the best gift God ever gave Kevin.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures. Sounds like you enjoyed your holidays. Raoul must be quite the horse because if you moved me out of Temecula, made me stay outdoors in freezing temps and then only fed me hay I gotta tell ya... I would NOT look as good as he does.

nancygrayce said...

In everthing give thanks! Sometimes hard to do, but thankyou for your thankfulness, it inspires me.

Sharon Lynne said...

I loved the pictures. I'm glad you had some nice family moments. It was good to see the grandmothers and Curt, his girlfriend and the cute little girls!

I was encouraged by your comments on thankfullness--in everything.

I want to let you know, that my computer broke down and it is at the shop. I'm on my youngest son's computer right now. I cannot receive email until the computer comes back :(

I hope we can re-connect soon.


Nadine said...

I couldn't help but get caught up in your excitment reading this post. What wonderful things to be grateful for. Nice pictures of everyone.

Unknown said...

Hi Diane,

This post is filled with your heart and I felt like I experienced your family moments along with you.

I am excited about what the Lord has planned for you in 2008.

Also, love the horse. Where in So Cal did he come from.

Love and hugs, Lynn

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos. The little girl is so adorable! The little ones really make Christmas special, don't they?

groovyoldlady said...

Happy 2008, Diane. May God continually heighten our awareness of all that He is and all that He does and all that He protects us from.

He is good!

C. H. Green said...

I enjoyed catching up on your holiday festivities. But it sure looks cold in Minnesota. I hope you're managing some hot tea time around the fire.