I'm connected! I have joined the ranks of millions of others who can post a blog from their kitchen, from their living room, from the bedrooms.....AND I have been turbo-boosted! We have DSL Wireless!
No big deal you say? Well, let me just tell you! We have waited YEARS for our phone numbers to qualify for DSL connection. We live in a wonderful western suburb of Minneapolis; however, although we are perfectly located nearby the city but out in the country....we could not get DSL. Technologically, we live in a hole! That is, until today! After persistently researching and relentless phone calls--Qwest arrived at my doorstep this morning at 8:00 a.m. and by 10:30 a.m. I was jumping for joy as the Technician explained my new connection to me.
Apparently, we will now be able to have multi-user computer access, be able to network our computer files, AND be able to surf the web without falling to sleep while waiting for each page to pop up! Amazing! The high speed connection is what you all told me it would be, but the wireless feature is worth shouting about! Although--I may miss the solitude of my den, as I am now sitting at my center island in the kitchen and have a grumbling sensation of the laundry calling out to me! Somehow, when I'm in my den, the noise of what needs to be done is muted!
The laundry can wait! I'm celebrating my connection! And did you know that I now can print from my laptop and it will wireless-ly appear in my printer downstairs!?!?! How did I ever survive without this advanced technology? O.K. it's not so advanced to many of you--but as far I'm concerned--this day ROCKS!!! Photos upload in nano-seconds, web pages appear in the blink of an eye, and I am sitting with my lap top without the entanglement of a phone cord! It's a bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy, Fun- fun- fun- fun- fun-kinda day!
Okay how do you get the printer to work like that? Do you have to have at least one computer hooked to the printer? Or a wireless printer?
Here's the deal......I don't know exactly how it works...let me stop bouncing, flouncing and trouncing for a minute to tell you what I think happened.
I don't know! All I know is this: my PC is connected to the Printer and somehow, miraculously, magically, and amazingly---I can print from my laptop wireless-ly!!!!!
So much to learn!
:) Diane
Awesome! yay for you! I have to join the ranks of the 21st century and even get a computer....slow or not...wireless or wireful...so that I can post anywhere besides work or my mom's house.
Then, however, I fear my children would be neglected.
DSL changed our lives. It'll be awhile before we go to the next level. But I'm happy to be off the dial-up nonsense! Congratulations! I'll have to show Feisty and Care Bear your post - they LOVE Tigger!
woo hoo!!!!!!!!
Yay! I can't get DSL out here - not could I out by the beach in Florida - however - - I learned the joys of cable - and I absolutely can't live without my highspeed internet. I will sell apples on the corner if I have to for fast internet!
We went high speed and wireless several years ago. There's no going back.
Congratulations...you will find yourself still happy and bouncing about months from now.
Just couldn't resist jumping in to congratulate you and say how wonderful it is to see your unbridled enthusiasm! You will truly love it! My In-laws must live close to your hole cause they are in the same situation.
Thanks for making me smile! Enjoy your wireless new bloggy world! :)
Hehe - you are funny. I can't even imagine having dial-up any more. The pages on the Internet pop right up...
Welcome to the 'club' of faster Internet users.
Blessings to your day.
That is REALLY cool Diane!! You make me all bouncy, flouncy and trouncy!!! I don'e have internet at home yet - only at the office, so I can only imagine how amazing it must feel to have wireless!! Totally cool!!
Happy Dance going on for you here!!
i know how i felt when i got highspeed!!! it was a ya-hoo type of day!
i do have a laptop, but it's not wireless yet ... i sit in the living room with the pc (still praying for a condo to open up, so we are disjointed) ...
so glad for you! yayayayayay!
And I do love Tigger's enthusiasm.
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