Tuesday's Treasure
Things I know for sure:
In one hour, I will say good bye to my 23 year old son as he relocates 1600 miles away from ME. To mark this occasion, I have chosen to highlight the things I know for sure--for my first ever Tuesday's Treasure posting.
Things I know for sure:
In one hour, I will say good bye to my 23 year old son as he relocates 1600 miles away from ME. To mark this occasion, I have chosen to highlight the things I know for sure--for my first ever Tuesday's Treasure posting.
- There are more painful things than childbirth; letting our babies go is at the top of the list
- A mother's love endures forever; no matter how old our children are.
- Orlando, Florida is 1554 miles from Minneapolis, Minnesota
- A mother's heart knows no distance
- The weather is warmer in Orlando, Florida than Minneapolis, Minnesota
- A mother's love never grows cold
- I am not alone in this journey. “And surely I am with you always…” Matthew 28:20
- The Lord hears my prayers for my son. “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” II Peter 3:9
- When my strength wavers, He will provide. “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
II Corinthians 12:9 - Children leaving the nest--is our goal and our gift. (Maybe if I say that three times while clicking my red slippers, I'll believe it!)
- A mother's hope is certain. “…those who hope in me will not be disappointed.” Isaiah 49:23b
- A mother does not have eyes in the back of her head! “The Lord…will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over Your coming and going both now and forevermore.” Psalms 121: 7,8
- A mother's love surpasses all understanding.
- A mother's kiss can not always heal boo-boos; but it soothes the aching heart.
- A mother's hug will not always make it better; but it holds the promise that I will always be there for you.
- From Minnesota to Orlando, Florida you must travel through 7 States for 24 hours
- A mother's love travels through time; it is a lasting legacy.

What a great treasure. Thank you so much for sharing. I have to let go of our son in June - he planning to leave for Japan after graduation. :(.
I will link your treasure to my treasure post.:)
Wiping tears from my eyes. You spoke eloquently for mothers everywhere. Thank you.
I am sorry that you did not experience this kind of mothering as a child. I am thankful that your are seeing that there really are people that actually feel that way. I pray that you will grow to understand that more and more and that you will someday be able to experience that kind of closeness with your mother. Sometimes it takes the child to lead the way. . .
It is so hard for us to let our children go out on their own. My oldest daughter is 35 and I still have worry and pain when something crops up in her life. Still wanting to protect her. Your post shows you are a loving mom and have raised a very fine son.
I'm on both sides of the fence here. I'm 23, so I understand your son's longing to "leave the nest" but I also know how much it will kill my mom when I do! Praying for both of you that God will show you His perfect will for the situation!!
Weeping again...I will be praying for you today. Beautiful sentiments.
I thought of you today and said a prayer.
...what a special way to start your Treasure Tuesday reflections...
love and pryaers to you, my friend
It's never easy to let them go, is it?
Sending a prayer to comfort you and one for you son's safe journey.
you made me teary ... but in a good way ...
what a lovely scriptural tribute from a mom's point of view ...
and knowing that your son is wrapped in your prayer ... asking our Heavenly Father to watch over him and keep him ... well, i hope that it gives you peace, even though you are sad ...
*sigh* It won't seem like very long before my kids are doing that. I can't even stand my baby moving to the next room, much less 1500 miles away. Keep strong!!
Prayers and smooches to you.
And, might I add... your son is a hottie! I mean, very handsome.
Hi Diane,
I pray that you find comfort & strength from your faith in God as you struggle in this painful transition. May you also find comfort from the words that you write so beautifully.
You are in my thoughts & prayers.
Man, this made me cry. Too close to my heart right now. This was written so beautifully. I totally agree that letting our kids go is more painful than childbirth. Thank you for stopping by my blog today....it is good to know I am not alone on the journey.
I can barely see to type this, I am so touched by your Tuesday Treasure post. My one and only child treasure will be graduating high school next month then going on to college. She is already making decisions that I don't always agree with, but what can a Mama do? Just as you said, surrender them to God, and pray he will watch over them and bring them back safely to you.
You made me cry. A very touching post, and well done. :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
I know what you are feeling...Letting my oldest(19) son go was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I pray that you will feel peace.
And I pray he will have a safe journey.
Just think when you are tired of the cold winters there, you can warm up in Orlando.
I hope you can find peace and comfort although this must be a difficult day for sure!
How beautiful, and I understand the ache in your heart too...I pray that the Lord will comfort you in this transition. Blessings of peace and divine protection to you and yours...
Thanks for sharing your sweet memory with us. I think it seems so far away for me, with my oldest child under age ten -- but I know there are different seasons in life. It sounds like you may be making a trip down south someday!
Very well said. It looks like your son is ready for his new adventure. (It also looks like you made him wear a helmet.) Keep your chin up.
One of our 24 year olds is about 900 miles away--and I can feel everything you are saying!
Transitions are hard - I'm praying you get through this period easily!
Oh, man. I am SO dreading those moments when I have to send our now little boys off!
Aw! How sad. I don't even want to THINK about when I'll have to let go! Thanks for coming by my Bible Study Blog. It needs all the visitors it can get!!
Hugs to you! It is never easy to see them go...our heart will always long for them and the days when we could at least see them each day! But is is life on this planet...and sometimes the distances are so very far. We are a continent away from one of ours...Wa. state to NC!! But though it is a grief...God wraps us all up and makes it a distant grief. That much pain would be too hard to live with each and every day after they leave!!
My oldest (23 in 23 days) left home when she was 8. She decided the "grass was greener on daddy's side of the fence". It was hard to let her go but she & we didn't know at the time it was permanent (although I should have suspected it when she decided she just wanted a one-say ticket because she didn't know how long she would be staying. She just needed to get away from here & some bad memories for awhile). Since that time I've seen her maybe 6 times.
Now my oldest is a Senior in high school. Luckily, I still have time because she's going to be going to a local college.
They grow up WAY too fast. I don't know what I'll do w/my time now that I won't be involved in school anymore. That's been my life for the last 18 years.
Diane, this is a treasure indeed! Awesome reflections, my friend. My heart is touched because I can so easily relate to you on every point made. It was hard each time the kids grew up and left the nest. Ah, but a mother's love!
I'll join you in praying for your son. Thanks for visiting my blog lately and encouraging ME.
Oh, thank you for the words of encouragement. This is definitely a difficult time for me as a mother and I get so sad about my son's rebellious state. I haven't heard from my son in over 1 month since he moved out. God's Word never fails, though.
I'm wiping away the tears and going out to play with my babies -- fully realizing it goes all to fast.
What a beautiful post.
Have Hallmark signed you up yet? You've got a gift, Diane.
He looks so full of excitement and adventure. You must be very proud to have filled him with such confidence. You win the Marvellous Mum of The Day Award. xx
PS. I'm with you on the hottie, Gibee x
Wow. If your son doesn't cry when he reads this...well...I'm sure he's crying on the inside. That was beautiful. I'm not looking forward to those days.
When I get weary and tired from homeschooling my four, I'll have to remember your words of wisdom and treasure this season of life I'm in.
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