As I was strolling through my early morning walk on Facebook, I happened upon this fantabulous quote by Irene Haugereid.
Ever heard it said that there is purpose in your pain?
Well, I have! In fact when I work with hurting hearts in my Christian Counseling practice, I have actually SAID it. ;)
Still, when you see it again for the VERY FIRST time, it makes perfect sense!
For days, I have been struggling to recover from a very deep, cut-to-the-heart-loss. Yes, I've been responding as I can in the secular realm, but I have also been seeking the spiritual lessons that come if we only open our hearts to them in the midst of the pain.
My reply to friends and family who have asked how I am doing through this crisis has been, "I am experiencing such sadness, it is almost too much to bear--but I am in peace. Do you know what I mean?"
Typically, I get the look of confusion and empathy: Poor thing-this has knocked her off her block!
But when I saw this quote this morning on Facebook, it explained how this IS possible far greater than I have been able to explain.
When you experience a loss, so great, that you feel there is nothing left.....you will always find God there....and He is enough!
He is there holding His hand out to you; all you have to do with the last energy left is to grab hold.
Some may not understand this for they have never found God in their pit of despair. He IS there. We just need the wake-up call, the knock on our head and heart, the eyes and the willingness to look outside of ourselves and see Him. He is there!
The very fact that we have not fallen into the desperation of our loss and suffer in isolation alone-- is our first hope. He is there, breathe, He understands, breathe, He knows, breathe. He leads us to His promise, He restores our souls and leads us to His Will for our suffering. BREATHE!
Yesterday I asked the question, Who Am I? Today, via cyberspace, God reminded me once again--to WHOM I belong! BREATHE! His promises are certain, His character never-changing. I know WHOSE I am and I will gratefully grab on, hold tight, and BREATHE as He leads the way.
The photo of the painting at the top of this post was sent to me by a dear friend. It adds only a deeper dimension to our ability to BREATHE. Have you been swamped by the storm that has entered your life? Grab on today dear friend, God is waiting with His righteous hand extended and has great purpose for you....and for the pain you feel today! Grab on, hold tight.....then BREATHE!
He speaks through you at this time...
In the midst of the storm...He refines us by fire or sets us apart to protect us from the fire that is happening to another. Be assured by what is right and true...it will be your strength through Him.
Grabbing on!
Hey Diane, my name is John. I read a lot of blogs on religion and prayer and I've i feel like I've ended up here once before. I'd love to hear your thoughts about this prayer exchange website PrayerMarket.com I thought it was an interesting idea and would be curious to hear what you (or other Christians) think about it
I'll check back here in the next day or two, thanks & God bless
John W.
Good mornin sweet friend...I pray this day that you feel the strong arms of God wrap peace around you...that you will know His mercies are everlasting and new each morning, that the breath of the Holy Spirit will renew you, guide you, comfort you, give you peace beyond all understanding. He is walking with you on this journey. We will overcome. Love you Diane. You are a blessing to me.
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