Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Sitting in the lap of God!

  • Today, I am thankful for God's Truth: Ecclesiastes 3:11 says, "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from the beginning" (NIV). Today, I am sitting in the lap of the One who "has made everything beautiful in its time." In His lap, I am awakened to the value of all our life's experiences--they have been "written in His book" (Psalm 139: 16). Our God takes our pain and makes something beautiful out of it...."before one of them came to be" ... each and every time!
  • Today, I can "shout for joy and gladness; [... for] 'The LORD be exalted, who delights in the well-being of his servant" (Psalm 35:27). I am sitting in the lap of my dream maker! After a life-time of silently dreaming, yet, silenced by fear, today, I am boldly stepping into the gift He has given me, the same gift He offers you--He makes our dreams come true even when we are afraid to believe! He delights in the well-being of his servant!
  • I am thankful I can "walk in the light of [His] presence" (Psalm 89:15). When my fears darken the path, His very presence will light my way.
  • When confidence is shaken, God reminds me that "He will not forget me!" (Isaiah 49:14-15
    We are not in this life alone--we are loved by our Heavenly Father who could no more abandon us than "a mother [could] forget the baby at her breast [or] have no compassion on the child she has borne" (Isaiah 49: 14-15). Our Heavenly Father knows our hearts, He loves us, and wants to lead us to His "springs of living water" (Rev. 7:17).
So today, I am sitting in the lap of my Heavenly Father and His loving care. His care for things that I have been unable to say out loud; for things so desired, I have been unable to speak. For things so painful that I could never have "fathomed" any divine purpose. And yet, as I sit in His lap, I can feel the Truth of His presence: our God "makes everything beautiful in its time."

Today, take the time to sit in His lap. Make time to discover the Truth of God's heart.....for yours!


Dawn said...

Awww. Beautiful. This is the Diane I have missed lately! We need to talk.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful...grateful for moments spent on His lap!

Esthermay Bentley-Goossen said...

Very touching! Thank you for compiling these verses. They are beautiful. The picture of us on God's lap is precious. God's Word is definitely TT's Theme today!
Kindest Thoughts,
-a fellow Minnesota blogger

Laurie Ann said...

Great post! I loved it. Happy TT!

Pam said...

Thanks for sharing that today. Praying for my prodigal husband (ex).

Pam said...

Would you come to my blog and listen to a song? All you who are praying for prodigals. This is a great song to pray. It is called "One Day" by Ayiesha Woods. you'll hear the music when you go on the blog. just click on the song "one day" in the music box along the side. I hope you are encouraged by it like i am.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy His embrace today and every day!

Marsha said...

Diane, this is beautiful! I love being in His presence - day and night. It calms the fears, heals the aching heart of a mother looking out over the horizon for her prodigal son. His presence brings fullness of joy even in the midst of life's trials.

Thank you for this post.

Have a blessed weekend.

Nadine said...

Very beautifully said.