Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Blog Award 

I did it! I did it! I did it!  

For so long, I have wanted to create a blogging award or two so I could reciprocate the honor, having won awards in the past.

I must admit, I am not as geeky as I once thought, because I have just spent 90 minutes creating this first award.....and while I am thrilled to be able to pass it on, I only wish it could have had more bling!  For the bloggers I am nominating for the first ever "You are a Star" award are truly bright lights in the blogosphere!  

For starters, Cindy, at Beneath the Ivy Wreath deserves this award as she truly lightens up any room!  

Then there's Grandma Dawn, my blogging AND IRL friend!  What a treasure she is!  And now that she has those darling little twin granddaughters...she's gonna need a little twinkle in her toes!  

And speaking of pairs, I first met Kristen who introduced me to her mom (Grandma Dawn).  What a year you've had Kristen...and what a star you've truly been.  A big "way-to-go" to you as your heart as grown in bunches!  You have a quiver full, my dear!  

A new blogging friend that brightens my day each and every visit, Karen at Karen's Korner!  I don't think a shadow ever falls on this blogger--she is just the bright!  

Finally, speaking of stars reminds me of California (follow-me?  tee-hee!)  Sharon Lynne at California Breeze has been a shining light from a far this past year as we've gotten to know one another in Bloggity-ville.  One day, someday, we will move beyond NMY friends to friends IRL!

And, until I create a really clever blog award for a really clever blogger, I am passing the "You are a Star" Award onto Yellow Mama at One Step Up From Stupid.  My blogging friends, this lady can write!  In fact, I have added a new side bar to my blog which, no doubt, will soon be filled with my favorite quotes by Yellow Mama!  "Now remember, I had prayed for help, but instead of listening to the Holy Spirit's direction, I got out the hack saw...."  Seriously, how did she know?

So be prepared, now that I have learned a new thing....I may just do it to death!  That would be the OCD in me--for which, I'm sure I can create a special award!  


Karen H. said...

Good Afternoon Diane,
I just woke up from a nap and saw your comment and had to come over here and see what you created. "THANK YOU" so much my friend. I do love the Award. You did a great job on it. You are way more talented than I am. I am just so honored that you gave me this Award and I will post about it tomorrow. Know that this Award is very much appreciated and it has really touched me. "THANK YOU" so much again and "CONGRATULATION'S" to the other ladies you gave it to. I have got to run some errands, so take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.

Love & Hugs,
Karen H.

Diane@Diane's Place said...

Hmmm...I can't see the award here either. I don't know if it's a glitch of some kind or what's going on.

But anyway, congratulations to your deserving recipients!

Love and hugs,


Dawn said...

I thought I commented this morning! But maybe it was an e-mail. I appreciate the award so very much, but can't see it here - I double clicked and could see it. Very strange.

Sharon Lynne said...

Thank you so much! You are so kind.

I hope I know how to put the award on my blog. I can't wait to see what you designed. Right now it's invisible.

I am looking forward to becoming friends URL too!

C. H. Green said...

Thank you for the award, but it doesn't show up on my end. :(
Just a little red x in the corner. ? Any ideas?

Nadine said...

Congratulations to all the winners. I know some of those bloggers and they are well deserving.

I can't see the award either by the way.