Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Nearly a foot of snow....and it's only December 5th!


Anonymous said...

Brrrr, I'm freezing.

Mine is up here.

Diana said...

Looks cold...and beautiful!

Kristen said...

Now, see, to me...that is what December is supposed to look like. Not what we've going on here. To be honest, I'm getting kind of crabby about it. I need the appropriate weather to get in the real Christmas-y mood! Guess it's a good thing I don't live in Floria or California, eh?

Karen H. said...

Good Morning Diane,
BURRRR!!!! You are making me cold. I just got warm. I was freezing this morning. I was chilled to the bone. After I took the girls to school and ate my breakfast, I layed back down under all my quilts and got warm. But, I do love looking at all your snow. It is beautiful to me. heard on the news this morning that somewhere up in Minnesota it was 11 degrees below zero. I can't remember where they said it was tho. But that is cold. Well, take care my friend and have a great Wednesday. May God Bless You and Yours. STAY WARM.

Karen H.

Unknown said...

BRRRRR but i wish we had a little bit of that here!! It was supposed to snow today but it got up into the 60's again. Very weird weather!

Linda said...

It looks just beautiful. This is my favorite way of enjoying snow these days. I am much happier in our 75 degree weather.

Kara said...

wow, that's a lot of snow!

Sharon Lynne said...

How beautiful and Christmasy!
We are still dry here. It's about 44 at 7:00 a.m. and 80 at 2:00. But we have beautiful blue skies right now.
And the fall leaves are in their splendor.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Oldqueen44 said...

I like your picture. It is always interesting to see what people take pictures of.

Nadine said...

Wow is all I can say. I was on another blog friend's site and she went to the beach.

I'm cold just looking at all that snow. I have to admit it does look pretty. Hope you are safe.

Dawn said...

Now THAT's the way Minnesota is supposed to be!