Friday, December 07, 2007

Lesson Learned!

Our son has his first basketball game of the Season tonight and the School's new head coach has implemented a Dress-for-Game policy. This required that we not only buy new dress clothes for our ever-growing 10th grader....but he needed to learn how to tie a tie! With great patience (and tolerance on Sam's part...he was NOT happy at all about this new policy!)....the lesson was a success!

Dad: First, you stand up straight, shoulders back......
Son: ????????

Dad: You take the short end and flip the...

Son: ????????

Dad: Simply cross, flip, tuck and pull.

Son: ????????

Dad: Your turn!
Lesson Learned!
Thanks for letting me share this moment with you!

A PROUD Mom!!!!!


Unknown said...


Nadine said...

What a quick learner. He did a fine job.

Diane@Diane's Place said...

He's a good lookin' young man, Diane. Is he still single? ;o)

Love and hugs,


Dawn said...

I love it! Love it! Don't tell him I said so, but he's cute! You can tell him I said he was handsome - especially in that shirt and tie.

Karen H. said...

Good Morning Diane,
Well, you have a very handsome son there. I can't beleive he has to dress like that before a game. We don't down here. If they have to be at a game early, most of them will wear sweats over their uniforms. Most of the time, they wear their uniforms to the gym. I do hope they won their game tho. Yuk!!!! I'm a woman and I hate ties. LOL. I like the ones that are alreaady fixed and all you have to do is just clip them on. My hubby doens't wear suits. The only time he has worn a suit was when we got married and he wore a White Tuxedo. He looked very handsome in it. Well, take care my friend and have a great Saturday. May God Bless You and Yours.

Karen H.

Linda said...

I've always been thankful that I didn't have to learn how to tie a tie. Looks just too complicated to me, and I'm sure I would always get it lopsided.
He looks very handsome! A job well done!

A Life Inspired said...

Fun transition from "not so happy" to smiling looking all handsome! Cool!

Heather Smith said...

The guys at our school had to dress for chapel days and game days. Some tried to get by with clip on ties, but eventually they all had to bite the bullet and learn to tie the ties. My brother always swore he'd never wear a tie again. Now he's a preacher and wears a suit and tie at least two or three times a week. I guess you never say never! Cute step by step pictures!!

GiBee said...

So handsome! Great job!!!

groovyoldlady said...

Scout never did figure it out...

Sam, however, looks stunning!

Lisa said...

Good idea by the coach!

What a nice way to bring the family together, also!