Please forgive the wee bit of delay in posting about our trip to Ireland.
We had a wonderful time in Ireland, but in the words of the Irish, "níl aon tintéan mar do thintéan féin," "There's no place like home!"
After an eight hour flight to Amsterdam, a three hour lay-over, and a two hour flight to Dublin, we arrived in Ole Ireland and arrived at our hotel, the Grand Hotel at Malahide. Malahide is a quaint village, located on a bay of the Irish Sea. It was 9:00 a.m. local time and while our bodies were begging for some sleep we went for a brisk walk and discovered the beauty of this small community filled with old world charm, a bustling town centre and stunning marina. Malahide sits on the east side of Ireland
off the Irish Sea.
To top it off, Malahide has it's very own castle. Malahide Castle, both a fortress and a private home for nearly eight hundred years, sets on 250 acres of park land in this pretty seaside town.
Feeling a bit like I had been awake for 800 years....after having an early
dinner at one of the 36 pubs in Malahide, we returned to our hotel and fell fast asleep, dreaming of Leprechaun and Bono! It was a grand first day in Ireland; still, sleep was required as we would soon take the Dart into Dublin, coach to the Wicklow Mountains, and practice an Irish step dance or two before our trip was over.
Join me next time as we travel through the narrow streets into Dublin and head for the hills of Glendalough. Until then:
"May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields and,
Until we meet again,
Sounds like such a great trip. but glad you're home!
Love the pictures. A real castle must have been wonderful to see.
I loved the mini tour. So glad you're home!!! And yes, I finally got a camera, so maybe I can join in the Tour of Homes this year. If you scroll a little farther down the page you will find Maggie, although she is so black you can't see her eyes in the photo. Love ya lady!
How awesome! That is one of my dreams, to go to Ireland and Scotland.
I am so happy you had a wonderful time!
God Bless!
It was so fun to look at the pictures. I clicked and englarged every one! It looks like a peaceful place.
I'm looking forward to hearing more!
(My grandmother was born in Scotland, and I would love to visit Ireland and Scotland)
Oh. *sigh* Wow. The trip of a lifetime.
Glad you're home safe.
Groovy will not be jealous.
Will. not. be. JEALOUS!
Wow! Sounds like a fantastic vacation! And beautiful pictures!!!
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