Saturday, September 01, 2007

Last week of summer

August was a blur of activity that I have still not recovered from! Our son came home on Tuesday evening and we have been settling in to a new routine. He will be living at home for the first 30 days of his 60 day extended care program. It is our hope to have this month to create a new slate of memories with him that will help all of us move forward into the future. This place in our journey is scary! I must be honest; the faintest of familiar behavior scares us immediately! And yet, this is giving us the opportunity to discuss openly how we are each feeling and for the other to address the fears. We are all intentionally stopping old behaviors and moving forward. This is exhausting work!
So we are returning to some fun family outings! Curt is teaching his Dad how to ride a motorcycle! As I was taking this picture, I couldn't help but think of days gone by when his Dad was holding the back side of Curt's bicycle and running alongside of him as he was learning how to ride a bike without training wheels. While Curt learned, without harm, how to ride that two wheeler, I'm not so sure of the outcome of a mid-life CPA and a motorcycle. Does anyone else notice the reading glasses!!!!

Our daughter, having worked as an RN in the NICU at Childrens Hospital for a year now, has decided to return to her love of riding. We spent yesterday afternoon checking out this beautiful horse for sale, Royale Blue. She is our equestrian, having shown horses since she was 12 years old. It was so much fun watching her test-drive this big boy and we look forward to returning once again to the world of dressage.

We spent many a summer weekend traveling with horse in tow to weekend Eventing shows. She has decided to train strictly in dressage, which is just fine with me, as there is no jumping in dressage! Watching your daugher ride a horse over a 4 foot jump takes your breath away no matter how many times you watch it!

And just about the time I catch my breath.....we head up north to our cabin so I can take Sam wake boarding! As soon as I can get ole sleepy head out of bed....(yes, the same boy who energetically jumps the wake....can't get out of bed this morning!!!!)....we are driving to our Cabin for the long Labor Day weekend. One last hurrah up north before he startes 10th grade on Tuesday morning.
More gasping! How did he get to be a sophomore!
Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful Labor Day weekend, filled with moments that take your breath away! For it has been said, "'Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."
Make it a good one!


Dawn said...

Lots of adventures behind and ahead! I trust this is an unforgettable week-end for all of you. Fall is coming very quickly!

DC has been riding his motorcycle to work a lot to save gas, but lately has become more cautions. Lots of accidents around here lately. I'm chuckling at the picture of Gordy on the bike. Will this change his whole personality??

Sharon Lynne said...

Now that's a daring dad. He better get his helmet on! And LOOK OUT EVERYBODY!

My nieces, in Colorado, ages 13 and 16 have been showing horses for years. It's been good hobby for them...keeping them busy!

Wakeboarding looks so fun! I grew up on water-skis. That's such a great picture. I can feel the spray and the wind!

May God be close as you experience one day at a time on this new path with your son.

Thinking of you...

Nadine said...

I'm praying that your weekend is great. I'm glad your son is home and I pray that these new family memories will last a lifetime. Love the pictures ...looks like fun.

C. H. Green said...

Looks like a lot of fun. Enjoy your weekend. You deserve some fun!

Michelle (wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, friend, co-worker, and striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman) said...

I've visited your blog several times as I pray for my son who seems so close to becoming a prodigal. It's a fine balance between holding on too tight and letting go (both which risk losing him). I am praying for your new start this week.
I'm curious if you share your "Dear Son" blogs with your son? Does he read your blog?

nancygrayce said...

It is a huge blessing that you can talk together. My son just won't communicate with me about "the problem". My husband is a CPA too! I pray that you all continue to make new memories and that God will walk hand in hand with you all through this time!

Chris said...

God bless you and yours. The wake boarding looks good! We are a boating family also, but alas no wake board.