Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

Brain Mapping (fqEEG: frontal quantitative electroencephalography

Have you heard anything about this new scientific study of the Biological Basis of Behavior Disorders? I could use some experiential input! Help!


Dawn said...

It's beyond me!! My Wordless Wednesday is quite a bit less cerebral!

I schedule reading days whenever I'm going to be home alone - when I should be tackling something in the house. Even more fun because it's kind of lazy!

See you in two more days!

Monkey Giggles said...

I wish I could help...

Diane@Diane's Place said...

I can say I've heard of it, but nothing that would help you. I don't know any details at all.

Sorry, Diane.

Love and hugs,


Linda said...

Diane - I was lost just reading the title!! However, I am sure there is someone out here who will be able to help.

Chris said...

Not got a clue, but otherwise I hope your day is going ok, You have my prayers.

Nadine said...

Nope...can't help you out here. Maybe Google can.

staceyhoff said...

yeah, it's all to say that when we have a headache we sin more... ha ha ha ;)

Just kidding!
...mostly ;)