Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday is being hosted today by Laurel Wreath as Iris is taking some a well deserved break in blogging. I am so thankful for both of these bloggers and their faithful willingness to bless!

After spending the last 48 hours doing a ton of internet research and making and receiving hours of phone connections with Directors of Dual Diagnosis Treatment Facilities, I am thankful, in spite of my aching back and slightly irritated phone ear (can you get a boxing ear from spending hours on the phone???), for the number of resources that are available for our family. I have learned much--still we have far to go.

I became excited about a therapeutic treatment that integrates Brain Mapping. After yesterday's post, I don't think too many people have experience with this and I am not surprised. Brain Mapping is a cutting edge science, studying the neuropathways of the brain. It is a relatively new treatment in Psychology. It tracts the electricity of the brain as the patient is working on a computer or video and studies the area of the brain that have been closed off. For instance, the frontal lobe, where the executive functioning occurs (i.e. focus, attention, emotions, anger, impulse control) has been found to not function in those suffering with Bi-polar, ADHD, mood/anxiety disorders, etc.

But it was when I discovered San Cristobal Academy , tucked away in the beautiful Sangre de Cristo Mountains north of Taos, New Mexico, that my heart stopped! I am so thankful for their immediate email response to my inquiry and for the 1 1/2 hour phone conversation I had yesterday morning with the Director of the Program. There is hope, my friends, there is hope.

I am thankful for my husband. His willingness to persevere for our prodigal is simply, astounding. One only has to take a brief look at our society to see that many Dad's take the path of least resistance. His fortitude increases even though he, too, is battle weary. We have a long road to navigate and he remains solidly at the helm. I am thankful that I do not walk this journey alone, he is by my side--more importantly, he is on our prodigals side.

I am thankful that Dawn is in Minnesota!!!!! She arrived last evening to visit her childhood family and friends....and ME!!! After "knowing" Dawn for a mere 14 months through blogging, I will now get to meet her face to face! It seems so surreal! We have spent this year sharing in a very real way, yet, I cannot say, I have even seen her! Yet, she is part of my thoughts and prayers each and every single day. When I speak to my real friends and family about my friend Dawn and her family, there is a certain apprehension over their discovery--we have never met. Tomorrow, that will apprehension will all together and forever disappear! I! Will! Meet! Dawn! Tomorrow! I will bring my digital camera and you can count on it--they will be posted! I am so thankful to welcome my friend (and yours) to my hometown!

So as I will try to contain my bursting enthusiasm over this visit today as I pace to and fro throughout my summer-frenzied home! I feel a cleaning surge coming on so maybe, just maybe, I'll get a few things done around here today!

Have a great Thankful Thursday!


Lori said...

Praise God he is leading you, may everything fall into place and work out for your son.

And having a supportive husband is worth everything.

Have a great day.

Diane@Diane's Place said...

I'm thankful that you have hope for treatment for your prodigal. Hope is that spark that keeps up going....

Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

I'll be thinking of you and Dawn today as you meet. I hope it's a wonderful time for both of you. :-)

Love and hugs,


Anonymous said...

Blessings! Have a good visit with your blogging buddy. My friends just look at me like I'm funny when I speak about the network of support I am recieving through blogging and about the ministry God is implimenting. They don't have a clue.
And blessings to your hubby for his support. Aren't we lucky to have these God fearing men in our lives.

Pearls of Wisdom said...

Dear Diane,

I am so glad you have treatment available to your son. I have been praying for you . I am so glad you get to meet Dawn in person.

In his endless love,

Angel ():)

Linda said...

I am thanking the Lord with you this morning Diane. I know He led you to that wonderful place and that He will go before you. He will sustain you and your husband and hold your son in His strong arms.
I think it no coincidence that you are getting this wonderful treat - meeting Dawn. I wish I could be there with you. You are going to have a blessed time - I know it. Give her a hug from me and have her give you a hug from me too.
Looking forward to hearing all about it - and pictures!!

Susan said...

What an encouraging post.

Changed by His Love said...

I hope you have a wonderful visit with your bloggy friend! Thanks for sharing about the brain mapping and stuff - way cool information.

Aunt Angie said...

Bless you Diane! We are praying for prodigals as sister and I have banned together....God is sovereign and hears our prayers! I am glad your husband is supportive...that helps with the burden of the heart.
I will add you to my list!

Vikki said...

I stumbled upon your blog (from CWO maybe?) and just wanted to encourage you....I was a prodigal and so was my husband. He was far worse off with serious drug addiction, he resorted to selling to support his habit and became involved with some pretty dangerous characters. Ours was a long difficult road. My husbands parents, missionaries and pastored a church, prayed for many many years for us. In late 2005, at the age of 32, having run out of all other options, my husband checked himself into a 6mth treatment program. Sept 2006 he found himself at a mens conference where, long story short, he met Jesus for the first time in person.

Today my husband 'rolls with Pastors' as he likes to put it. He is working for a local Christian Ministry helping other addicts and he spends more time at Bible Studies and prayer groups than I do at work. Our small church has seen many recovering addicts come to know the Lord and the wonderful news is, they are the most grateful, passionate converts you'll ever meet.

Perseverse in your prayers, it's the only thing we can actually 'do' to help a prodigal. God has to do the rest.

Denise said...

Praying for you, and your son.

Barb said...

I can actually feel the excitement in this post Diane. First of all, congratulations on getting one of the new Monk & Neagle CD's - so sweet of BooMama to tell us about it.

And I'm so happy you and Dawn are finally going to meet each other. I know the two of you have built a strong friendship over the past year so it's perfect that you finally get to meet. Looking forward to the photos.

C. H. Green said...

So excited over the new developments. Hug Dawn for me!

Sharon Lynne said...

Sounds like you have a fun day coming up!

I'm very interested in the brain mapping. Our son has something going on..but we can't quite pin point it.

Have a great day with Dawn!

I'll be looking forward to the next post!

Hopeful Spirit said...

Blessings to you and your entire family as you walk this path.