Monday, April 23, 2007

Sensory overload

Somewhere in the midst of all of these buildings, sit I! I have joined my DH on a business trip.....having something to do with the AICPA. My job is to navigate my way through the streets of the Big Apple and enjoy! Not too tough--right?

We arrived last evening following an uneventful flight. After unpacking, we walked in the pleasant early evening to a New York favorite: Smith & Wollensky's Steak and Chops, where I had a man-sized portion of their featured Filet Oscar-medium!

With our taste-buds fully satitated, we had a brisk walk back to our hotel room where we opened the windows to let the night air filter in. As we reviewed our great meal together, we soon discovered that our quiet bedtime conversation had some serious competition: the sounds of New York City! Sirens, horns, bells (???), whistles (???) planes overhead, more horns, even the sound of accelerating cars seemed to interrupt! It seems that in New York City, you are NEVER really alone! Hmmm?

This realization was only magnified as I walked out of the revolving doors of our hotel early this morning to grab a cup of java.....and I stepped into the throngs of New! Where are all of these people going! Seriously, the sidewalks have traffic jams! And....AND.....when I stopped at a red light because it was red and the hand signal said...."Don't Walk"....I nearly was trampled. Hmmm! Minnesota Nice! We follow the rules! How naive!

Having survived my near death experience, I have returned to the safety of my room! However, no need to feel lonely, my windows are still opened! AND, I am going to risk life and limb in about an hour as I will walk just a few blocks over from the hotel to visit a dear friend who actually lives.....very happily in Manhattan! She even has a dog! She, her husband and their beautiful little puppy love living in New York City and don't even own a car! Which means....they must know something about the "Don't Walk" rules...I'm gonna have to talk to her about that!


C. H. Green said...

What an adventure! Someday maybe I'll get to see the Big Apple. I bet it is a writer's heaven even with all the noise. I'm sure there's never a lack of inspiration. Hope you enjoy your trip.

someone else said...

I'm so jealous. I love visiting New York! We've been there a couple times and there is such a buzz in the air all the time.

Linda said...

My bachelor brother lives in the city too (where I was born and raised - just outside of NYC - there is no need to say which city). I rarely went into the city. We had many school trips there - and occassionaly we would go to a show or a sporting event. Other than that - I'm just a country girl at heart. I just don't like the big city.
Having said that - I think it's a great place to visit. Have a good time and take care not to get run over by the pedestrians!!

Denise said...

Sounds like you really had a interesting adventure.

Unknown said...

Yes, I thought it was visually over-stimulating when I visited. I will forever be glad that I went, but I could kiss the ground when I landed back in Tennessee:-)
Gretchen Lavender

Musings of a Housewife said...

What fun!! And that filet. Oh my mouth is WATERING.

groovyoldlady said...

Don't walk = RUN!!!!!!!

Kristen said...

New York. Never been. I think it would be some serious culture shock for me. I do wanna go though.