Can I just say "whirlwind?" Will that adequately difine our quick moving weekend away? I'm whipped! I'm exhausted! I'm o.k~ better than o.k!
As is the case when you leave home for a few days--there is much to do upon your return. First things first, however!
1) It is C.O.L.D. outside! Yes, the temperatures in Orlando were colder than normal, but 7 degrees above zero is COLD when getting off an airplane with sandles on! Shoot, it's cold even wearing sox!
2) The weekend was fruitful; our son left his apartment in good shape. We arrived on Saturday and began the packing. 10 boxes later we decided to go out for a quick dinner and a good night's rest for the day of cleaning before the mover's arrived on Monday.
3) We spent Sunday reminiscing about our family's love for Orlando. Each year for 20 years we have spent two weeks after tax-season as a family in Florida. One week traditionally spent at Disney World, the second week on Marco Island. It was no surprise when our son chose Orlando to put his hoped-for success and well-being in a town that held so many cherished memories. As we navigated through his small studio apartment we felt a sense of loss as we cleaned one last time, making his apartment ready for the next tenant whose heart may, no doubt, be filled with similar desires and dreams. Our feelings of loss, however, were balanced by the remembrance of the healthy dose of progress made by our prodigal (by our "miracle in progress"--thanks Morning Glory!) throughout this re-re-location. Our souls were refreshed as we cleaned that apartment that day and we realized that each step he has taken....is a step closer home.
4) The movers--well, the movers! I will post another day as today is a day of renewal, not despair! I'll just tell you--the actual cost of the move was twice the estimate they provided! More to come.
5) Renewal!?! Isn't that a great word! Head on over to Twenty Eight Celsius (just a bit warmer than 7 degrees above zero!) to read an amazing story of renewal. Remember our first ever Welcome Home Banquet? Yup! THAT Welcome Home Banquet! Dawn's returning son is now posting his story; please go over and support his story of transformation!
6) Tonight is the last class of a four week long class: Counseling In Christian Ministry. I have just now finished my last paper--a study of the Biblical Perspective on Anger. Plenty of fodder for some good posts--let me tell 'ya! Interesting that I began this class feeling a boat-load of anger and I end it with the sinking feeling that I have sinned! Interesting how a ten-page study of anger can leave you feeling all wet!
7) Finally, there's nothing that blesses this blogger more than discovering that I have been nominated for the Share the Love (most inspiring award AND Blogger you'd most like to meet) award! Ah shucks! I sent my nominations in today--just in time for the January 31st (midnight) deadline. Isn't this blogging thing fun!!!!!
8) (O.K.; I lied!) Now, finally--Don't forget to consider the Bloggy Girls Mountain Getaway! A blessing far larger than an award (although it is pretty cool to be nominated!) is the face-to-face meeting at this great gathering of bloggers. It would be so great to see you there!
There! Now that I've handled all of the really important things, I don't know if I should take a quick nap before class or if I should grab a bite to eat?????

Maybe I'll just multi-task!
Welcome home. I'm glad it was a safe trip.
Like they say east or west, home is the best. It's good to be home isnt' it? Welcome back. Thanks for linking me to your blog today.
Glad you're home safe and sound. I am just beginning to know you, but I know you very much deserve those nominations. I'm looking forward to your posts on anger. It sounds as though you learned quite a bit.
Rest and relax and settle in. Have a good week.
So glad you're back. It felt like you were far away! Isn't that odd?
Thanks for plugging our series - I am so excited about it.
That picture of the kitty is just so cute! Sounds like you had a fabulous time!
If you do what the kitty is doing you can do both!! LOL. Goodness, I think I need a nap after reading your post.
Glad you are back. Sorry I haven't been around for a while.
Glad you are back. Sounds like you have been busy. Thanks for the idea about a get away. I may be interested. Sounds fun. Congrats on your nomination.
First of all, congratulations on those nominations. I'm excited for the preliminary voting to begin tomorrow.
Boy, you've been busy. That's insane that the movers cost more than twice what you thought they would, though.
The photo of the kitten is adorable. It took me a minute to figure it out. Either that's a tiny kitty or one huge, huge plate of cat food!
Welcome home. It's nice to have you back.
Wow. I got tired just reading that! Glad you're back.
Thanks for the plugs (for the story and for the blogger getaway!)
And congrats on the nominations. ;-) So well deserved!
You little multi-tasker, you:-) Welcome back...and a big hug and congrats on the blog nomination--so very deserving, my friend.
See you around cyberspace!
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