After loving a black lab for more than 11 years, how does a family say good-bye to their cherished family pet? Although we knew he was aging, the signs of arthritis were a struggle and the bladder difficulties were frustrating, the phone call from the Vet yesterday was still heartbreaking. Lucky went in yesterday morning for exploratory surgery; he had developed a hematoma above his hip two weeks ago which, with a simple aspiration, indicated it was a pocket of blood, suggesting he was bleeding internally from an unknown cause. During the surgery, the Doctor discovered that where muscle once was, a blood tumor had developed, which was no doubt, cancerous. It was a "mushy" tumor, hence the Dr. was unable to remove it and more compelling, the Dr. was unable to stop the bleeding that was occuring due to the tumor. Over the phone, the Dr. guided me to the decision that was looming and reasonable.
Reasonable. There is nothing reasonable about the way I am feeling just now. Over the past two years, our Lucky has suffered several medical challenges. With each challenge, I could be heard asking, "Why can't he just pass on quietly in his sleep?" The balance required in prolonging a pets life with the necessary finances to do so is a heavy weight. It seems today, Lucky was able to die in his sleep.
So reasonable or not, our family mourns the loss of a black lab that we were lucky to love the last 11 years. Coming from the Humane Society, this puppy loved us, loved a multitude of barn kittens, and loved each of the other puppies we call our own. He blessed our home with a love that only a black lab can lavish!
I weep with you. What a beautiful dog.
I love your blog and am so happy to find the Josh Groban video....I hope to put it on my blog. I'm looking forward to reading more of yours!
I totally know how you feel. I posted my thoughts on this day: http://grandmaofthree.blogspot.com/2006/10/of-little-wienie-dogs.html. Unfortunately, I accidentally deleted several of the pictures.
I dreamed about you last night. I also dreamed I was going to tell you what it was about, but when I woke up, details disappeared. But I felt like I'd visited with you. I hope to make it true one of these days!
I'm so sorry your dog has had to pass on. He's certainly a beauty!
Thanks for coming by my blog yesterday and leaving such a nice comment. I haven't been here in a while either, but I've thought of you.
i am so sorry for you losing your"lucky" dog, I submit that he wa salso lucky to have great people like you to care for him so well and so long.
There is absolutely nothing like having a great dog!
So sorry about your loss!!
So sorry about your beloved pet. I know it is a sad thing to lose one you've had in your life for so long.
Black labs bring such joy....praying for you and yours....
We have two labs living next door to us and one is aging as well. I am glad he gave you so many years of joy. Blessing little sister in Christ...
Big Hugs
My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours
Aaa Diane, I am so sorry.
I can just see by looking at him that he was a sweetie. And so full of wisdom and guidance for the other pups that you called yours too.
Our pets are family - anyone who has loved a dog or a cat and been loved unconditionally in return will know that.
I am sorry for your families loss - now I need to go find my tissues...
Thanks so much for your encouraging comment on "the Barnabas Blog". May the Lord bless you as you intercede for those who are wandring.
Much love in Christ,
I am so sorry to read about your loss. You're in my thoughts and prayers.
aww, so sorry ... we've lost our share of 4 legged family members - it is never easy, they are all so unique!
Condolances....I know what it is like to lose a cherised part of the family like that.....
I am SO very sorry for your loss. He was such a beautiful dog!
I am so sorry that you are missing that lovely dog! Pets are family. I have written a post about losing a loved pet in my blog Spending Time With Glenys. May you cherish the many memories you have of Lucky! Be blessed, Glenys
I am so sorry that you are missing that lovely dog! Pets are family. I have written a post about losing a loved pet in my blog Spending Time With Glenys. May you cherish the many memories you have of Lucky! Be blessed, Glenys
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