Is there anyone else out in blogosphere that has missed a time or two of Heartgard and thought, "No problem, I'll just give him next months dose?" Our Black Lab, Lucky, spent a day in the Vet Hospital last Spring getting a horrible treatment to kill heartworm.....which he became susceptible to all because I was a wee-bit-lackadaisical in giving him his monthly dose of Heartgard. If you have a dog, if your Vet tells you to give that dog Heartgard on a regular basis, if you live in a world with mosquitoes (tell me again, what is their real value??????)--it works BEST to do as you are instructed!
It was a complicated treatment: Lucky was put under, given a massive dose of heartworm killer (EWWWW!), and sent home to lay-low for a few days. He had to remain calm and quiet so as to not cause any heart trouble. Anyone else see the problem? After 4 months, Lucky saw the Vet again for another Heart Worm test--you see, the massive dose of antibiotics kills the heart worm and they disolve over a few months time into the dogs system (Double EWWWW!!!) IF the heartworms remained (had babies!)....another dose would be necessary. THANKFULLY, the heartworms cooperated--and DIED!
Lucky made it through the treatment without a glitch. And the possible glitches were permanent in nature--he could have died! Oh the guilt!~ It seems THIS mom sometimes cannot balance all the plates spinning in the air--and the dog was the one that paid the price. I have made my apologies to Lucky, have prepared his favorite meal a time or two (a mixture of ground beef and rice!), and have decided to share the joy of loving our dogs! After all, children should know the joys of responsibility--shouldn't they!!!!! (That concept is worthy of it's own Works For Me Wednesday post!)
I hope I haven't thoroughly creeped you out this morning; this is a very important lesson. Don't forget the Heartgard! Mark it on your family calendar in RED LETTERS!
But before you race to your calendars, please head over to Lines from Linda; yours truly has been featured on Wednesday's is Friends Day! Linda L. Fulkerson has written an amazing book entitled The Prodigal Daughter. I met Linda through her blog (of course) and have enjoyed numerous email dialogues with her throughout the summer. She has an incredible blog-site; if any of you are writers-in-training, you will benefit greatly by visiting her blog. Most importantly, her story is a very special testimony for all who are standing in the gap for a loved one who is lost.
We used to have to give the heartworm preventative medicine to our dog, Bob when we lived in Texas. Once we got to California, it wasn't a problem (back then, I don't know the heartworm situation here now.) After reading this, I am so glad we didn't have to put him through the treatment. He was such a hyper dog. We would never have been able to keep him calm. Tranquilizers would have been necessary, I'm sure. Thanks for sharing!
We paid over 400 dollars for this treatment, which worked, but eventually had to put our dog Toby down due to cancer. The heartworm situation was a mess! He lost tons of weight and was very pitiful. Now I buy six months worth at a time.
Lucky is lucky - and blessed!
Different subject - thanks for linking me in that wonderful article. What a blessing these relationships have become.
Although i do not have a dog right now, I will definitely keep this in mind in the event that I do in the future! Poor little Lucky! :-(
I'll go check out your article on the other blog! :-)
Don't have a pup, but how did you keep a lab quiet. They are such fun...happy...energetic dogs!
LOL - I enjoyed your term "wee-bit-lackadaisical" - never heard that one before. Did you make that one up? I always make up words when I can find an English word that expresses what I am tryin got say, like 'discombobulated' - hehe...
Anyway - thanks for stopping by today. When I see clouds like that - I always think of His return.
I will for sure check out the link later tonight - have to make dinner now.
awww, what a beautiful dog and cute baby!
Hey, You came by Real Teen Faith some time back. I now have a second blog for moms called "The Mom I Want to Be".
Hope you'll check it out. I love your blog.
Suzanne Eller
It was a pleasure to have you as a guest on my blog this week. Thanks to all your readers who stopped by!
And you'll be so proud--I gave my little dachshund her heart guard earlier this week--before your post! LOL I tell you, what would we do without our critters? Don't know if you've ventured over to my main web site and clicked on the "Farm" link, but if you do, you'll see all my babies. I think we have nearly 100 ducks now!
Hug yourself from me!
Oh my, poor Lucky! I'm SO glad he's all better. Since we moved from TX we haven't given our dogs the Heartgard but in the desert we have to worry about Valley Fever. Seems it's work no matter where you live. But I agree, their worth it!
Hi! I found you through the Christian Women onLine "List" - the title of your blog is what caught my attention immediately!! I have a few prodigals in my family that I am praying for and standing in the gap, but sometimes I feel like I am not quite big enough to fill the gap on my own. So I am really glad I found you!!
Lucky looks like a real sweety! I am glad the treatment worked and the worms did as they were supposed to, but I see your eewww, and raise you with a bleuragh!!!(LOL)
I will definitely pop over to Linda's Blog as I am a writer in "self training", I am sure I will learn from her.
I will definitely be back to vist you again. Blessings to you!!
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