Thursday, August 31, 2006

What a all make!

My heart is racing—the goose bumps on my arms remain! Yesterday, in the midst of an otherwise drab day—Grandma Dawn phoned me!


“Diane, this is Dawn Carlson….Grandma Dawn!” Just typing the remembrance of our conversation makes the hair on the back of my neck—stand up!

“Dawn!” I shout! “How did you get my cell-phone number?” What I meant to say was, “How amazing that you tracked me down in my car just to say hello; how wonderful that you care! How blessed am I!!!!!” Instead, in my delight, I forgot that she and I had previously exchanged phone number information several weeks ago in anticipation of my trip to Denver to visit her.

“Remember some time ago, you gave me your cell number when you were planning your trip to Colorado. How are you? I just read your post and wanted to check in with you.”

Hair raising words have not recently been spoken! Hair rising, not in a scary way, but in a God-Bless-you-sort-of way! I was blessed today, folks, in a very personal, very special way.

Not only are the hair on the back of my neck (and arms) at attention, my spirit has been raised as well. Following yesterday’s post, my spirit was deflated. With one ring of my cell phone, it was as if God was reminding me; I am not in this fight alone. How beautiful is it when another Christian woman heeds the prompting of the Spirit and phones someone who some would consider a stranger, just to say, “I’m praying for you!”

Oh my! If I was sucker-punched on Tuesday, let me tell you, I was heaven-kissed by Wednesday! Yes, folks, we are in a battle, but we are not in it alone. I have been reminded that God hears our cry for help and sends out the troops on our behalf! You comments are heartwarming; your words of wisdom and encouragement uplift my wilting soul! Your prayers are deeply cherished….and with one treasured phone call… Spirit rejoices!

Still rejoicing, I realize that although we had several minutes to talk (there’s just something about hearing the voice of a faithful blogging friend, not to mention the voice of Care Bear in the background!) I forgot to say, “Please say HI to Kristen!” “Please tell Kevin I am still rejoicing for his return home!” “I am just tickled pink….make that NEON pink…that you called!” There’ll be plenty of time for the telling of things forgotten; after all, I can call Grandma Dawn, her number is stored in my cell phone directory! And as for the rest of my blogging friends…be on guard…I may be gathering phone numbers from each of you!

Friends, this blogging thing is pretty special. Not because you and I come here often and share an exchange of words—rather, we share our lives, our dreams, our failures….and our common bond in Christ. That is pretty powerful!~ Doesn’t this kind of exchange just raise your Spirit???!!!!


boomama said...

You are dead-on in your last paragraph. I am continually blown away by how God has worked and continues to work in our midst - and I never, ever expected that when I started blogging.

Glad y'all had such a great conversation - and glad it lifted your spirits. :-)

Dawn said...

I am wiping tears from my eyes as I read. You lift my spirits every day. And what a blessing to hear you voice. I never expected this result, either. But what a serendipity blogging has become.

Heather Smith said...

I posted today about how God has blessed me through blogging. Your blog is listed among my blessings!

Dionna said...

Great post. Satan would like us to think we are alone - but we never truly are, are we?

Phil Hoover said...

What a great post! Your story about Grandma Dawn was truly inspiring. It almost brought tears to my eyes.

Great blog by the way. Please feel free to visit mine.

Anonymous said...

Praising Him with you!

Yeah - the voice of a trusting blogging buddy is music to my ears too! We do share a lot of things on line we might not in real life.
Thank you so much for your encouraging words on CWO today. I ment a lot to me :)

C. H. Green said...

I think it's wonderful that we can make these connections. I look forward to us actually talking one of these days.

Carole Turner said...


Yes, the Redneck.. blog is a book a friend and mine just started. She lives in Florida so it will be our way of writing it over long distance. Thank you for visiting and reading. God bless.

Scrambled Dregs said...


God is good and oh, so generous. Even when we forget it, Amen!!!!

Thanks for commenting on my blog post. I appreciate it. And you so kindly called courage that which is really just blind optimism, curiosity and the jumping puppy syndrome. But thank you anyhoo.


Kristen said...

Awwww. Mom told me she called you and that you about ran off the road. :-) I'm glad it was a blessing to you. You are a blessing to us and so many others!

Care Bear has a cute little voice, huh? :-)