Partners In Prayer for Our Prodigals
Barb, at A Chelsea Morning posted a great idea on Sunday; she has challenged readers to post about why they named their blog--what they named it! So, on this 100th post, I will defer posting the 100 things about me...and start simple--the story of the name of my blog.
Prodigal, you ask? is the story of how my blog came into existence and the meaning behind its name. If you haven't read this April 28th post before, click over.....and then come back and click over to Barb's blog...there's an autolink with nearly 60 blog-name stories you can browse! THEN, let us know if you post about your "name game"--we'll stop by!
Wow, such deep meaning. I'm glad I read that! Norman Wright's definition really spoke to me! Thanks for sharing that!
"Pain is pain." So so true. Your story moved me. What an intense meaning there is behind the name of your blog. I'm so glad I came by here today. This post was an inspiration to me.
I'll pray for your son, pray that he closes that gap forever.
Thank you so much for participating in my name game. I had no idea I'd read something this profound.
What a great purpose... thanks for letting us in on the deep meaning behind your "name".
Just stopped by to say hi. I appreciate all that you do, and continue to pray with you.
I still have prodigals, even though they're on their own. They live right and don't cause a fuss--good kids--but not interested in the things of the Lord. Keep praying!
And I am so thankful that we connected because of our prodigals! What a blessing it has been these last few months.
Diane, I think I've been on board ever since you started blogging. I read that post when you first started blogging and left a comment on my blog. God has certainly done a work in your prodigal's life since that first post, and He's still working. :-)
You have been given the gift of encouragement by God and you use it every time you visit me - you make me feel so good!
You are such an awesome writer and thinker that I am in awe when I read your words. I thank God for our cyber friendship. As you said, who'd have ever thought it?
I like your blog name and you have a good motive. Have a great day!
I remember reading that after I first found your blog. Having two prodigals of my own, it was comforting to know that I'm not alone, and it inspired me to commit to praying for other prodigals and their parents. So glad we met!
I've posted my link over there and added yet another great blog to my reading. Thanks!
Thank you for your post on our blog. That means a lot. I have prodigals all over my family, as does my husband. You're right...the journey is their own and you just have to pray that they find their way home. Soon.
Thank you for sharing.
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