Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Not only are we not alone--there is always something we can do--even in the midst of paralyzing fear and confusion. Here is a page from my prayer journal (remember that corner I hid in for a long time--my prayer journaling started there.) I use it as a tool to hear what God is saying to me when the noise of my world is just a little too loud! I will post more of these entries; as I do, you will see that each entry begins with a question, followed by a scripture verse (pertinent answer from God!), a reflection paragraph, ending with a response prayer. It is meant to be a written dialogue between a hurting parent and God.
By sharing this, it is my hope that you may hear God's voice today...as you stand in the gap (and "intentionally line up with God") for your beloved prodigal. Choosing life with you....Diane
What's a Mom to do?

Many times Lord, I don’t know what to do next. We have tried every parenting skill, read every parenting book and “let go” or surrendered daily. It is too difficult Lord to not do anything. I am his Mom. (I am his Dad) Our hearts long to do something that will productively influence restoration.

Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. Deut. 30: 19-20

“Now choose life!” In her book Restoring Relationships with Your Adult Children, Karen O’Connor suggests a significant and productive method hurting parents can take. Choose life—“I believe [it] means that we are to intentionally line up with God as we know and understand Him. He is the God of life—here on earth and life everlasting. Choosing life may include for you, turning your will and your life over to His care in a conscious way, seeking Him through prayer and meditation, listening for His guidance for your behavior, and holding onto Him as a small child would hold onto a loving parent. It may include letting go of your expectations, your way of doing things, your agenda for yourself and your adult children, and discovering what God has for each of you.”

Response Prayer:

Thank you God that even when it seems there is nothing I can do—I can come to You. I can seek your voice, surrender (once again) and know that You love me and have specific plans for each member of my family. Restore us to your life—as You created us to be—life rich, full and productive. Amen.


C. H. Green said...

I am thrilled that something good and beautiful is emerging from these months at home. After a good cry this morning and your prayers, plus some more of my new friends, I was able to pick up and move on with my day. I went and left more resumes across town. I went and bought groceries because of the bad weather coming in. And I did not worry that I was spending almost all I had. God will provide. I can make it.

I am so thrilled that you have begun a blog yourself. Careful, it can be addicting. I see you're already meeting people. I smiled as I read March's post on your blog. Some say the internet is evil, but it's just like anything else. It has to be put to it's proper use. Let your friends and contacts in your email addresses have the link and pass it on. Who knows who all may find a blessing in your words. There is strength in numbers. I can practically feel the heat of His spirit on me as I write. He is pleased. May God's glory abound in and through us as we reach the world--for HIM. Love in Christ.

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